ATOM достигна 4-месечен максимум, БЛИЗИРА 10% во четвртокот - Ажурирања на пазарот за Биткоин Вести

Cosmos moved to a four-month high in today’s session, as crypto markets rebounded following Wednesday’s sell-off. Prices of the token broke out of a key resistance point this afternoon, reaching the milestone. Near protocol was another notable mover, as it hit a three-week high.

Космос (ATOM)

Космос (ATOM) raced to a four-month high this afternoon, as prices of the token broke out of a key price point.

По најниското ниво од 11.98 долари во средата, ATOM/USD rose by nearly $2.00 in today’s session, hitting a high of $13.92 in the process.

Thursday’s rally comes as the token raced past its ceiling of $13.35, en route to its highest level since May 11.

Најголеми придвижувачи: ATOM достигна 4-месечен максимум, Близу до 10% во четвртокот
ATOM/УСД – Дневен графикон

Гледајќи ја табелата, ATOM has been in an ascending triangle since hitting a low of $5.62 in mid-June.

Bulls of the token now look as if they could be targeting the $15.00 mark, which would see the token rise by almost $10.00 in just under two months.

In order to achieve this milestone, the token will need to overcome a hurdle on its relative strength index (RSI), which will come in the form of a ceiling at 63.30.

Во близина на протокол (БЛИЗИНА)

Another notable gainer on Thursday was near protocol (NEAR), which rallied to a multi-week high earlier in the day.

NEAR/USD was able to reach a peak of $4.63 today, as prices rose for a second consecutive session.

Unlike cosmos, which moved past its own price ceiling, near protocol was unable to break out of its resistance, after almost colliding with the $4.65 level.

Најголеми придвижувачи: ATOM достигна 4-месечен максимум, Близу до 10% во четвртокот
БЛИЗУ/УСД – Дневен графикон

As of writing, prices are at $4.60, as bulls still attempt to fully break out of this aforementioned hurdle.

For this to occur, we may need to see the 10-day (red) and 25-day (blue) moving averages cross, which could come soon, as they increase in proximity.

Should this occur, there will be a strong chance of near protocol moving closer to $5.00.

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What is behind today’s 10% surge in near protocol? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Елиман Дембел

Елиман носи еклектична гледна точка за анализа на пазарот, работејќи како директор на брокер, едукатор за трговија на мало и пазарен коментатор во Crypto, Stocks и FX.

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