Стратегот на Банката на Америка предупредува дека доаѓа „шок од рецесија“, аналитичарот вели дека крипто може да ги надмине обврзниците - Биткоин Вести

On Friday, Bank of America’s (BOFA) chief investment strategist Michael Hartnett explained in a weekly financial note to clients that the U.S. economy could head into a recession. The BOFA strategist’s note further detailed that cryptocurrencies could outperform bonds and stocks.

BOFA Strategist Notes inflation Shock Is Worsening, Cryptocurrencies Could Outperform Bonds and Stocks

Bank of America’s chief investment strategist has warned the U.S. economy could feel some economic shocks. In recent times, инфлацијата in the United States has run rampant and the Fed has felt the need to step in and manage the issue. On March 16, the U.S. Federal Reserve зголеми the benchmark bank rate for the first time since 2018, and the central bank expects six more increases this year. Meanwhile, on April 8, Reuters извештаи that BOFA’s Michael Hartnett says that the macro-economic situation is worsening.

With the macro-economic environment in calamity, the Fed hiking rates, and the central bank tapering large-asset purchases, the BOFA strategist said the U.S. economy could be headed for a recession. Hartnett insists that “‘Inflation shock’ worsening, ‘rates shock’ just beginning, ‘recession shock’ coming.” The BOFA analyst’s statements follow U.S. bond markets сигнализација that an economic downturn is predicted. This took place last week when the spread between 2-year and 10-year Treasury yields inverted, signaling the U.S. economy may be headed for a recession.

Hartnett’s note to investors on Friday further said that commodities, cash, and cryptocurrencies “could outperform bonds and stocks,” according to the Reuters author Julien Ponthus. The BOFA note said that during the last ten weeks, emerging market equity funds saw better market performances as did debt vehicles. During the last six months, Bank of America has had a lot to say about cryptocurrencies. For instance, a BOFA analyst рече in January that the smart contract platform token Solana’s market cap could take market share away from the current leader Ethereum.

Mortgage Rates Rise, BOFA Downgrades 9 Transport Stocks, BOFA Institute Says Households Have More Cash on Hand

In December, BOFA explained it sees огромна можност in the metaverse, and the month prior, the financial institution’s chief operating officer детални that he does not see crypto as competition. According to BOFA’s recent outlook, the bank expects the Federal Reserve to raise the benchmark rate by 50 basis points during the next meeting. Furthermore, mortgage rates hit 5% in April making homeownership a touch more expensive. BOFA has also омаловажено nine transport stocks this week, after citing “deteriorating demand.”

While BOFA’s chief investment strategist explained on Friday that assets like cash, commodities, and cryptocurrencies could do well, Bank of America Institute’s chief economist David Tinsley рече on Thursday that people have been preparing for inflation with a cash surplus. “On average, the lower-income household has about $1,500 more in the savings and checking account than it did pre-pandemic,” Tinsley during a Yahoo Finance Live interview.

Ознаки во оваа приказна
50 основни поени, Банката на Америка, Bitcoin, Бофа, обврзници, главен стратег за инвестиции, Cryptocurrencies, Дејвид Тинсли, Економија, Економија, Ethereum, Банката на федерални резерви за пешачење стапки, сопственост на домот, inflation Shock, Мајкл Хартнет, Recession Shock, акции, Приноси на трезор

What do you think about BOFA’s note to investors written by the bank’s chief investment strategist Michael Hartnett? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/bank-of-america-strategist-warns-recession-shock-is-coming-analyst-says-crypto-could-outperform-bonds/