Банкротираниот крипто брокер Војаџер ќе добие скоро 200,000,000 долари во биткоин и етериум од истражувањето Аламеда

Troubled crypto lender Voyager Digital is going to receive hundreds of millions of dollars worth of crypto assets from Alameda Research.

Според една неодамнешна судски поднесување, FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried’s crypto trading firm will give back a loan worth nearly $200 million to Voyager, a crypto brokerage that filed bankruptcy earlier in the year.

The court documents reveal that Alemeda will repay Voyager 6,553 Bitcoin (БТК) и 51,204 Ethereum (ЕТХ), worth nearly $124.5 million and $68.7 million at time of writing, respectively.

“The parties have agreed that Borrower will repay all outstanding amounts under the Specified Loans, giving consideration to all prior repayments and refinancings thereof, in accordance with the terms of the Credit Agreement and this payoff letter.”

Upon receiving the payment, Voyager will return to Alameda 4,650,000 FTX Token (FTT) and 63,750,000 Serum (СРМ) that were being held as collateral for the loan. The repayment of the loan is due on September 30th, according to the court documents.

Војаџер првично поднесена for bankruptcy two months ago after crypto firm Three Arrows Capital (3AC), a prominent borrower, failed to pay back a substantial loan worth over $650 million and caused the digital assets lender to halt all customer deposits, withdrawals, and trades.

Bankman-Fried initially предложен a bailout for Voyager in July, which many in the crypto community said would further damage Voyager customers.

The CEO responded by saying,

„Поднесовме понуда: Доколку биде прифатена, секој клиент што сака може да дојде и да си го врати својот дел од се што остана, што е можно поскоро.

Тоа ќе им овозможи на клиентите – доколку одлучат – да ги добијат преостанатите средства веднаш, без надоместоци или дополнителна фризура“.

Voyager’s native asset, VGX, is changing hands for $0.654 at time of writing, a 4% gain on the day.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Shiao Risu

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/09/21/bankrupt-crypto-broker-voyager-set-to-receive-nearly-200000000-in-bitcoin-and-ethereum-from-alameda-research/