Милијардерот Шамат Палихапитија вели дека експлозивниот пораст на Биткоин ќе избледне во споредба со она што следува

Billionaire venture capitalist and early Bitcoin (БТК) investor Chamath Palihapitya says he believes a number of emerging trends are offering the greatest opportunity of his investing career.

In a fireside chat at Wharton School, the Social Capital CEO says he will be spending all of his time over the next two decades working on key global issues.

“That’s where I’m going to direct this firehose. These energy-generation problems, these compute problems, these life sciences problems. There are probably no bigger things to work on.” 

Social Capital, Palihapitya’s Menlo Park-based investment firm, has направени a number of investments in companies that work in the life sciences, clean energy and tech industries including:

  • Syapse – a firm that seeks to advance real-world care
  • Proterra – a company that aims to develop buses powered by electric batteries
  • Groq – a firm that seeks to accelerate workloads in artificial intelligence.

According to Palihapitiya, addressing these problems could generate trillions of dollars of wealth distributed across investors. He highlights that those who understand the trends would be “unbelievably prosperous and rich.”

He also says that these issues could present a bigger opportunity than his Bitcoin accumulation more than a decade ago when BTC was trading at around $100.

“That is what my spidey senses tell me is the greatest opportunity of my investing career, and I have never felt this way before. I didn’t even feel this way about Bitcoin. I was the guy that owned 5% of these things in 2011. My dollar-cost average was like $90 or $100 even when I knew that that was going to win. I’m telling you that that is going to pale in comparison to this.” 

At time of writing, Bitcoin is trading for $23,577, a staggering 23,477% increase from its price in 2011.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Sensvector/Kanea

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/02/27/billionaire-chamath-palihapitya-says-bitcoins-explosive-rise-will-pale-in-comparison-to-whats-coming-next/