Биткоин и крипто повторно ќе се зголемат додека ФЕД е подготвена да продолжи со печатење пари: InvestAnswers

A popular analyst says that Bitcoin (BTC) and the crypto markets could receive a boost from the resumption of monetary expansion.

In a new video update, the pseudonymous host of InvestAnswers says that global liquidity, or the amount of money circulating in the system, has historically been one of the best indicators for the movements of the crypto markets.

The analyst says that with liquidity slightly falling over the past year, the trend is likely to reverse and boost Bitcoin in the process.

“Global liquidity has fallen down because the US is tampering their money supply. It’s down 4% or 6% year to date so far, and that’s had a big impact on this gold line cutting through the Bitcoin line. Normally, when liquidity goes up, Bitcoin goes up, with a little bit of a time lag. Sometimes it’s exactly at the same time, so crazy, crazy times here. 

You can see here liquidity has dropped off, but with all the stuff that’s going on with debt ceilings being risen, and other economies around the world like Germany realizing they’re in a recession, money printing will begin again. [I’m] pretty certain of that. And that will drive the prices up, too.

Извор: InvestAnswers/YouTube

BitMEX founder and crypto veteran Arthur Hayes recently said the Federal Reserve will likely have to print money to pay interest on reserve balances, thereby increasing liquidity in the system. Hayes predicted that wealthy asset holders who received interest payments from the Fed will likely buy risk assets with the proceeds.

"Целата оваа платена камата е ефективно програма за стимулирање на богатите сопственици на средства. Што прават богатите сопственици на средства кога имаат повеќе пари отколку што им треба? Тие купуваат ризични средства. Златото, биткоинот, технолошките акции за вештачка интелигенција, итн., сите ќе бидат корисници на ова „богатство“ што ќе го испечати владата и ќе го предаде како камата“.


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Генерирана слика: Midjourney

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/06/05/bitcoin-and-crypto-to-rise-again-as-fed-poised-to-resume-money-printing-investanswers/