„Настанот за капитулација“ на рударот биткоин можеби веќе се случил - Истражување

Биткоин (БТК) miners may have already sparked a “capitulation event,” fresh analysis has concluded.

In an update on June 24, Julio Moreno, senior analyst at on-chain data firm CryptoQuant, Навести that the BTC price bottom could now be due.

BTC price bottom “typically” follows miner capitulation

Miners have seen a dramatic change in circumstances since March 2020, going from unprecedented profitability to seeing their margins squeezed.

на се спушти на 17,600 долари — 70% below November’s all-time highs for BTC/USD — has hit some players hard, data now shows, with miner wallets sending large amounts of coins до размена.

This, CryptoQuant suggests, precedes the final stages of the Bitcoin sell-off more broadly in line with historical precedent.

“Our data demonstrate a miner capitulation event that has occurred, which has typically preceded market bottoms in previous cycles,” Moreno summarized.

Miner sales have been keenly tracked this month, with the Bitcoin Twitter account even describing the situation as miners “being drained of their coins.”

“For miners, it’s time to decide to stay or leave,” CryptoQuant CEO, Ki Young Ju, додадени in a Twitter thread last week.

The situation is tenuous, but the majority of рудари remain active, as witnessed by network fundamentals намалувањето only slightly from all-time highs of over 30 trillion.

Преглед на основите на мрежата на биткоин (скриншот). Извор: BTC.com

Mixed signals over buyer interest

When it comes to other large BTC holders, however, the picture appears less clear.

Поврзани со: „Глупаво“ да се негира цената на Биткоин може да биде под 10 илјади долари - Анализа

After whales bought up liquidity near $19,000, CryptoQuant’s Ki this week heralded the arrival of “new” large-volume entities.

Outflows from major United States exchange Coinbase, he noted, reached their highest since 2013.

Trader and analyst Rekt Capital, nonetheless, reiterated doubts about the strength of overall buyer volume, arguing that sellers were conversely still directing market movements.

Bitcoin’s 200-week moving average (MA), a key support level during previous bear markets, has yet to see significant interest from buyers despite the spot price being around $2,000 below it.

“Current BTC buy-side volume following the extreme sell volume spike is still lower than the 2018 Bear Market buyer follow-through volume levels at the 200-week MA. Let alone March 2020 buy-side follow-through,” he изјави Следбеници на Твитер.

БТК/УСД означена табела. Извор: Rekt Capital/ Twitter

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