БТК достигна 2-месечен максимум, искачувајќи се над 19,000 долари - ажурирања на пазарот за Биткоин Вести

Bitcoin continued to trade higher on Jan. 13, with prices racing above the $19,000 level, hitting a two-month peak in the process. The latest surge comes as traders continued to react to Wednesday’s U.S. inflation report, which dropped to 6.5%. Ethereum also rose today, hitting a fresh multi-month high.


Биткоин (БТК) rallied to a two-month high earlier in today’s session, as prices climbed above the $19,000 mark.

По најниското ниво од 17,995.20 долари во четвртокот, БТК/USD се пресели на врвот од 19,031.80 $ претходно во текот на денот.

As a result of the move, the world’s largest cryptocurrency climbed to its strongest point since November 8, when price was above $20,000.

Bitcoin, Ethereum Technical Analysis: BTC Hits 2-Month High, Climbing Above $19,000
БТК/УСД – Дневен графикон

Looking at the chart, the rally came as the 14-day relative strength index (RSI) rose to a peak of 82.00, which was its highest mark in over a year.

In addition to this, the upwards trend on the 10-day (red), and 25-day (blue) moving averages continued to mature, thus extending bullish momentum.

Despite this, prices are now well beyond overbought, which could mean that bears are lurking and preparing for reentry.


Допаѓа БТК, етериум (ЕТХ) also significantly rose on Friday, with price moving above the $1,400 mark.

ЕТХ/USD hit an intraday high of $1,432.28 in today’s session, which comes less than a day after trading at a bottom of $1,378.42.

As with bitcoin, this spike in price has pushed ethereum to its highest point since November 8, when it hit a high of $1,580.

Bitcoin, Ethereum Technical Analysis: BTC Hits 2-Month High, Climbing Above $19,000
ЕТХ/УСД – Дневен графикон

From the chart, prices of ЕТХ are now deep in overbought territory, with the RSI index tracking at a level of 75.54.

Earlier gains have already begun to slip, as previous bulls have begun taking profits in anticipation of a reversal in momentum.

Од пишувањето, ЕТХ/USD се тргува за 1,410.60 $.

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Можевме ли да видиме ЕТХ hit $1,500 this weekend? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Елиман Дембел

Елиман носи еклектична гледна точка за анализа на пазарот. Претходно беше директор на брокерство и едукатор за онлајн трговија. Во моментов, тој делува како коментатор во различни класи на средства, вклучително и Crypto, Stocks и FX, додека исто така е основач на стартап.

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-ethereum-technical-analysis-btc-hits-2-month-high-climbing-above-19000/