БТК се движи под 23,000 долари додека нестабилноста на пазарот се зголемува - ажурирања на пазарот Биткоин Вести

Bitcoin dropped to a two-week low on Feb. 9, with prices falling below the $23,000 mark after a brief rally on Wednesday. Cryptocurrencies moved lower across the board, as uncertainty surrounding the state of the global economy impacted investor confidence. Ethereum also slipped, following a move towards $1,700 during yesterday’s session.


Биткоин (БТК) slipped to a two-week low on Thursday, with prices falling below $23,000 in the process.

Следејќи го максимумот од 23,191.32 долари на денот на грб, БТК/USD plunged to an intraday low of $22,458.26 in today’s session.

The decline sent bitcoin to its lowest level since January 26, and came as prices broke out of a key support point at $22,500.

Bitcoin, Ethereum Technical Analysis: BTC Moves Below $23,000 as Market Volatility Heightens
БТК/УСД – Дневен графикон

As can be seen from the chart, the sell-off came as the 14-day relative strength index (RSI) fell to a one-month low, after moving below a floor of its own.

The index is currently tracking at 56.50, which is marginally under its recent support level at the 58.00 mark.

Since this bottom, bulls have moved to buy the dip, with БТК now trading at $22,701.04, as of writing.


Ethereum (ЕТХ) also saw a slight resurgence snapped, with market sentiment shifting in a bearish direction.

ЕТХ/USD has bottomed at $1,615.06 so far on Thursday, which comes less than 24 hours after reaching a high of $1,678.09.

Yesterday’s move saw the world’s second largest cryptocurrency break out of a ceiling at $1,675, however it was unable to sustain this momentum.

Bitcoin, Ethereum Technical Analysis: BTC Moves Below $23,000 as Market Volatility Heightens
ЕТХ/УСД – Дневен графикон

Looking at the chart, bears seem to be targeting a floor at $1,600 for ЕТХ, however all advances to this point have so far been rejected.

This comes as the RSI appears to have found a relatively stable floor at the 57.00 mark, which has given confidence to nervous bulls.

At the time of writing, ethereum has rebounded from earlier lows, and is currently trading at $1,632.90.

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What is behind today’s shift in market momentum? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Елиман Дембел

Елиман носи еклектична гледна точка за анализа на пазарот. Претходно беше директор на брокерство и едукатор за онлајн трговија. Во моментов, тој делува како коментатор во различни класи на средства, вклучително и Crypto, Stocks и FX, додека исто така е основач на стартап.

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-ethereum-technical-analysis-btc-moves-below-23000-as-market-volatility-heightens/