Основачот на Cardano (ADA) повторно го критикува развивачот на Биткоин Џими Сонг за засенчување на мрежите за доказ за удел (PoS)

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Hoskinson is apparently in no mood to tolerate Song’s continuous criticism of the Proof-of-Stake network.  

Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, has once again slammed long-time Bitcoin developer Jimmy Song for criticizing Proof-of-Stake (PoS) networks.

In a recent tweet made by Song, the veteran Bitcoin developer called PoS networks “the ultimate dog and pony show.”

According to Song, in the Proof-of-Stake consensus networks, users are required to vote in a way that pleases centralized controllers or face the risk of losing their money.

“Proof-of-stake is the ultimate dog and pony show. You have to vote the way the centralized controllers want or else you lose your money. It’s got all the honesty of a 100% vote in a dictatorship,” Song noted in a recent tweet.

Cardano Founder Reacts to Song’s Comment

The tweet has attracted a lot of reaction from the cryptocurrency community since it was published. People took to the microblogging platform to express their opinions about the tweet. As expected, enthusiasts of PoS networks slammed Song for making a derogatory post about the Proof-of-Stake network.

Interestingly, the Cardano founder was among those who slammed the Bitcoin developer for his comments on the Proof-of-Stake network.

“I didn’t know Jimmy did sequels, but the stupid is back and boy it did not disappoint,” Hoskinson said.

Song’s Previous Criticism of PoS Networks

It is noteworthy that Song has developed the habit of shading Proof-of-Stake networks in recent times. Last week, the veteran Bitcoin developer described PoS as the worst consensus network, a tweet that prompted reactions from Ethereum co-founders Vitalik Buterin and Hoskinson.

Song noted that PoS networks have not been able to solve the Byzantine Generals problem, which has hindered these projects from providing decentralized consensus.

Тврдењето prompted a reaction from Ethereum’s Buterin, кој кажа:

„Про-совет: ако постои одамна воспоставена традиција на луѓе да дебатираат за А наспроти Б заснована на длабоки аргументи кои допираат до математика, економија и морална филозофија, а вие ќе кажете „Б е глупав поради еднолиниската техничност што вклучува дефиниции“. , веројатно грешите“.

While Buterin chose to be mild in his response, Hoskinson responded angrily, calling Song’s post stupid.

“The level of stupidity here is beyond explanation,” Hoskinson said.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/07/13/cardano-ada-founder-slams-bitcoin-developer-jimmy-song-for-shading-proof-of-stake-pos-networks-again/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cardano-ada-founder-slams-bitcoin-developer-jimmy-song-for-shading-proof-of-stake-pos-networks-again