Крипто аналитичарот кој го нарече падот на биткоинот (BTC) предупредува за голема стапица за бикови - еве зошто

A crypto trader known for predicting Bitcoin (БТК) bottoms warns traders are in the midst of another bull trap.

Псевдонимниот крипто аналитичар Капо кажува his 462,400 Twitter followers that BTC bulls are about to get caught in a major trap.

“This is one of the biggest bull traps of the year, but you won’t see it until it’s too late.”

Капо референци a tweet thread from April 2022 in support of his argument. According to Capo, he manages to correctly call BTC bottoms time and time again, even when it means going against popular opinion.

“Same thing happening now. Worth a read…

Good luck and stay safe.”

In the April tweet storm, Capo points out his correct capitulation calls over the years, implying that his reasoning backs up his current predictions. He започнува во 2018.

“It’s the same story over and over again.


Called for $3,000-4,000 BTC when price was $7,500. It ranged between $6,000 and $9,500 for 7 months and then reached the final target.

I had very few followers then and you could already see the hate.”

Извор: CryptoCapo_/Twitter

Трговецот побарувања he made the same correct calls in 2019 and 2020.


Called for $7000-$7300, $6000-$6200 and $4400-$4800 as final target.

Price started to reach those targets and after some months, it also reached the final target, being the absolute bottom again.

I got a lot of hate back then.”

Извор: CryptoCapo_/Twitter

Piling the evidence on, the pseudonymous trader also вели he correctly called the bottom in 2021.


I was calling bottom and continuation of the bull run at $30,000-$35,000. Most comments expecting lower ($20,000 or even $10,000), and mocking too.

Price ranged between those levels for some weeks and then the bullish run continued until $69,000.”

Извор: CryptoCapo_/Twitter

Трговецот заклучува that the markets will always give traders opportunities, signing off with his followers until further bearish notice.

“See? There were opportunities in between because market always gives you opportunities. 

If you are catching every bottom, every bounce, congratulations. I focus on bigger opportunities, different timeframe, and I don’t care about ‘missing’ bounces…

I will not post anymore here until the bearish scenario is confirmed or invalidated. Good luck and stay safe.”

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Избрана слика: Shutterstock/betibup33/PurpleRender

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/07/29/crypto-analyst-who-called-bitcoin-btc-backslide-warns-of-big-bull-trap-heres-why/