Crypto​.com објавува доказ за резерви, покажувајќи над 100% за BTC, ETH has released an audited proof-of-reserves page, showing that the exchange has enough crypto assets to back its liabilities to customers, according to a Dec. 9 statement on the exchange’s website. The new page shows that has 102% of the Bitcoin (БТК), 101% of the Ether (ЕТХ), and 102% of the USD Coin (USDC) needed to process withdrawals. 

Тетер (USDT), XRP (XRP), Догекоин (ДОГА), Шиба Ину (ШИБ), Chainlink’s LINK (ЛИНК) and Decentraland’s MANA (МАНА) are also included in the report, with each of them having reserves of above 100%.

According to the statement, the audit was спроведена by Mazars Group, an international audit, tax and accounting firm and is accurate as of Dec. 7.

The crypto community has been watching centralized exchanges more closely since the колапс на FTX in November. itself has been caught up in the crisis, as it briefly had to pause withdrawals on the Solana network due to the fallout from FTX.

By releasing its proof of reserves, the team said it hopes to show that it is a good steward of crypto users’ assets and can be trusted to process all withdrawals. Kris Marszalek, CEO of, explained it:

„Обезбедувањето на ревидиран доказ за резерви е важен чекор за целата индустрија да ја зголеми транспарентноста и да го започне процесот на враќање на довербата. […] е целосно посветена да им обезбеди на клиентите ширум светот безбедно, сигурно и усогласено средство за ангажирање со дигитални валути“.

Given that some users won’t trust the exchange’s reporting of its own assets and liabilities,’s proof-of-reserves page also provides a method for users to self-audit its reserves. Users can log in to the app and verify the assets they held at the moment the audit was done, and they can copy the Merkle hash derived from the balances.

Once the customer obtains their Merkle hash, they can navigate to a separate auditor page under the control of Mazars, where they can receive detailed proof that their liabilities are part of the larger Merkle tree of the exchange’s audited liabilities.

Mazar claims that its auditor page runs a version of the open-source Silver Sixpence Merkle Tree Generator program. This implies that if the auditor page was doctored in some way to make it produce false results, any programmer should be able to discover this by running the program in their own developer environment.

Поврзани со: FTX, FTX US и Alameda ќе поднесат барање за стечај во Поглавје 11 во САД; СБФ поднесе оставка is the latest in a series of exchanges offering proof-of-reserves pages to quell the fears of crypto users. OKX offered its proof of reserves on Nov. 23, though its liabilities have not yet been verified by an auditing firm, and Binance released its proof-of-reserve audit for its Bitcoin on Dec. 7.