Crypto Hedge Fund Galois Capital се затвора - „Изгубивме речиси половина од нашите средства поради катастрофата FTX“ - истакнати вести за Bitcoin

Crypto hedge fund Galois Capital is shutting down after losing about half of its assets to the FTX disaster. “Given the severity of the FTX situation, we do not think it is tenable to continue operating the fund both financially and culturally,” the fund’s co-founder told investors.

Crypto Hedge Fund Shuts Down Due to FTX Collapse

Crypto hedge fund Galois Capital is shutting down as скоро половина of its assets are trapped on FTX, the collapsed cryptocurrency exchange which filed for стечај in November last year. “Galois Capital is a crypto hedge fund that specializes in over-the-counter trading and algorithmic market-making,” its website describes.

Galois Capital told investors that all trading has been halted and all its positions unwound, according to documents seen by the Financial Times. Galois co-founder Kevin Zhou wrote:

Given the severity of the FTX situation, we do not think it is tenable to continue operating the fund both financially and culturally … I’m terribly sorry about the current situation we find ourselves in.

Clients of the hedge fund would receive 90% of the money not trapped on FTX, Galois said, adding that it is temporarily holding back the remaining 10% until discussions with the fund administrators and auditor are finalized. Since informing investors of its shutdown, Galois has sold the fund’s claim on FTX for approximately 16 cents on the dollar, the publication conveyed. Galois previously told Bloomberg that it had as much as $45 million of assets exposed to FTX’s bankruptcy.

Zhou is known for warning about the impending implosion of cryptocurrency terra (LUNA) and stablecoin Terrausd (UST) last year. He also profited from shorting LUNA, now called LUNA classic (LUNC). Zhou opined:

This entire tragic saga starting from the luna collapse to the 3AC credit crisis to the FTX/Alameda failure has certainly set the crypto space back significantly.

Following news reports of his hedge fund’s closure, Zhou took to Twitter to confirm the shutdown of Galois’ flagship fund. He tweeted Monday:

И покрај тоа, со гордост можам да кажам дека иако изгубивме речиси половина од нашите средства поради катастрофата FTX, а потоа го продадовме побарувањето за центи за долар, ние сме меѓу ретките што ја затвораме продавницата со перформанси од почетокот до денес. што е сепак позитивно.

“Although this is the end of an era for Galois, the work we have done together for the past few years has not been in vain. I can’t say more than this for now,” the Galois co-founder concluded.

Ознаки во оваа приказна
крипто хеџ фонд, crypto hedge fund shuts down FTX, FTX, Колапс на FTX, FTX зараза, Галоис, Капитал Галоа, Galois closing down, Galois FTX, Galois hedge fund, Galois shutting down

What do you think about crypto hedge fund Galois Capital shutting down due to its assets being trapped on the collapsed crypto exchange FTX? Let us know in the comments section below.

Кевин Хелмс

Студент по австриска економија, Кевин го пронајде Bitcoin во 2011 година и оттогаш е евангелист. Неговите интереси лежат во безбедноста на Bitcoin, системите со отворен извор, мрежните ефекти и пресекот меѓу економијата и криптографијата.

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