Ел Салвадор ги менува технолошките провајдери - избира Alphapoint да работи со Chivo Bitcoin Wallet - Биткоин Вести

On February 2, 2022, the blockchain infrastructure provider Alphapoint has announced that the Salvadoran government has chosen the firm to operate the bitcoin wallet Chivo. The bitcoin wallet is the largest fintech application in the country and Alphapoint “supports the frontend and backend infrastructure that powers the wallet and integrates the entire ecosystem.”

Alphapoint за поддршка на Frontend и Backend инфраструктурата на Chivo Wallet

The Central American nation of El Salvador has announced it has appointed Alphapoint to handle the country’s bitcoin wallet, Chivo, by allowing it to support its frontend and backend technology. Prior to Alphapoint, the Chivo wallet’s infrastructure was provided by the crypto company Athena Bitcoin. On Wednesday, Alphapoint revealed the Salvadoran government had chosen the firm to help El Salvador “offer financial services and access to Bitcoin for millions of Salvadorans actively using the wallet.”

“El Salvador and President Bukele are truly leading globally with this first major experiment in bitcoin adoption at a country-wide level,” Igor Telyatnikov, the co-founder and CEO of Alphapoint said in a statement sent to Bitcoin.com News. Telyatnikov added:

Никој друг не се обидел да изврши проект од оваа големина. Ние во AlphaPoint сме почестени што сме вклучени во процесот и обезбедуваме скалабилни и сигурни решенија потребни за овој огромен потфат. Апликацијата Chivo моментално поддржува милиони Салвадорци, многумина за прв пат пристапуваат до финансиски услуги.

Салвадорската влада издаде изјава за транзицијата на Chivo Wallet

The Salvadoran government’s Chivo wallet has experienced hiccups when it launched and a значителна сума of жалби. In mid-September 2021, the Salvadoran Court of Accounts said it planned to investigate Chivo’s kiosk construction. In addition to Alphapoint’s announcement on Wednesday, the Salvadoran government issued a statement about the transition.

“The Government of President Nayib Bukele informs that the American company Alphapoint is providing technology for Chivo Wallet, the first national digital wallet in the world,” the statement from Bukele’s government explains. “Alphapoint, which provides financial technology to institutions globally, is adding its expertise to offer financial services and access to bitcoin for millions of Salvadorans who are actively using the Chivo wallet.”

Ознаки во оваа приказна
Alphapoint CEO, Athena Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Wallet, Blockchain Company, BTC wallet, Chivo application, chivo wallet, Complaints, El Salvador, hiccups, Igor Telyatnikov, Millions of Salvadorans, Nayib Bukele, President Bukele, Salvadoran Court of Accounts, Salvadoran government

Што мислите за тоа што владата на Салвадор избра Alphapoint да ја води основната технологија на паричникот Chivo? Кажете ни што мислите за оваа тема во делот за коментари подолу.

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/el-salvador-switches-tech-providers-chooses-alphapoint-to-operate-chivo-bitcoin-wallet/