Ethereum ќе го достигне врвот од 2,474 долари по токен во 2023 година, открива истражувањето на Finder на експерти за крипто и Fintech - пазари и цени Биткоин Вести

Seven days ago,, a product comparison website, published a forecast report based on predictions from several crypto and fintech experts, predicting bitcoin’s year-end price for 2023. Following the bitcoin price prediction report, Finder released another survey focused on ethereum, the second-largest crypto asset in terms of market capitalization. Finder specialists believe ethereum will reach a peak of $2,474 per token this year and end the year at $2,184 per unit.

24% of Panelists Believe Ethereum Will Surpass Bitcoin by 2025, Finder Survey Shows

This week,, a product comparison website, published a пријавите that surveyed 56 fintech and cryptocurrency specialists to gauge their predictions for ethereum (ЕТХ) prices this year. ЕТХ experienced a challenging year in 2022, similar to most digital currencies in the crypto economy, but prices have picked up in the first month of 2023. Thirty-day statistics show ЕТХ has risen more than 32% against the U.S. dollar and is now just below the $1,600 per unit range.

Finder’s experts believe ЕТХ will end the year at $2,184 per unit and reach a peak of $2,474 per token at some point in 2023. Similar to the bitcoin prediction report published last week, Finder’s specialists expect ЕТХ to drop to a significant low against the greenback. The panelists suspect ЕТХ could hit a low of $984 this year. Ben Ritchie, managing director at Digital Capital Management, expects ЕТХ to end the year at $2,500 per coin but also noted that ЕТХ prices could drop as low as $900 per unit in 2023.

“Ethereum continues to dominate the market as the leading smart contract platform, driving a range of innovative projects within its ecosystem,” Ritchie explains in the report. “However, recent market challenges have sparked investor concern and may limit the price of ethereum [reaching] $2,500 this year. Despite this, [the network’s] low annual inflation rate is expected to keep the price stable and above $900, even if future market disruptions occur.”

About 24% of the surveyed panelists believe ethereum will surpass bitcoin by 2025. The report shows that 48% of Finder’s panel expect a “flippening” to occur eventually. Currently, 60% of the fintech and crypto experts believe ЕТХ is underpriced, and approximately 28% believe it is fairly priced. Around 12% of the panelists think ЕТХ is overpriced and 16% currently recommend selling. 56% of the report’s participants believe it’s a good time to buy, and 28% advise holding.

“When you examine all blockchains based on security, decentralization, and scalability no other has its fundamental balance and judicious leadership, coupled with the critical mass of Ethereum,” the technologist and futurist Joseph Raczynski remarked. “It’s not to say it can’t be toppled, but with each passing month it’s less likely.” The report’s average prediction for 2025 is that ЕТХ will be valued at $6,033 per unit. By 2030, the surveyed panelists expect ЕТХ to be priced at $14,316 per coin.

You can check out Finder’s ethereum price prediction report in its entirety овде.

Ознаки во оваа приказна
$1600, $2184, $ 2500 по единица, $900 a coin, 32% пораст, Бен Ричи, blockchain, критична маса, Крипто, децентрализација, Управување со дигитален капитал, end year, ЕТХ, етер, Ethereum, Етереум (ЕТХ), експерти, Пронаоѓач.com, Fintech, Предвидувања, fundamental balance, иновации, investor concern, Џозеф Рачински, ниски $984, low annual inflation rate, Пазарната капитализација, панелисти, peak $2474, предвидување, Приспособливост, Безбедност, платформа за паметни договори, Стабилност, Анкета, surveyed experts, знак, американски долар, year-end price

Кои се вашите размислувања за предвидувањата на Finder за цените на Ethereum во 2023 година? Дали се согласувате со проценката на експертите или гледате поинаков исход за водечката платформа за паметни договори? Известете ни во делот за коментари подолу.

Ејми Редман

Џејми Редмен е водечки во вестите на News и новинар за финансиска технологија што живее во Флорида. Редмен е активен член на заедницата за криптовалути од 2011 година. Тој има страст за Биткоин, код со отворен код и децентрализирани апликации. Од септември 2015 година, Редмен напиша повеќе од 6,000 статии за News за непушачите протоколи што се појавуваат денес.

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