„FTX Accounts Drainer“ исфрла 50,000 ETH, ентитетот користи портата за биткоин на Рен за да стекне БТК - Биткоин Вести

The ethereum wallet known as the “FTX Accounts Drainer” has started to offload the ethereum it collected this past week after becoming the 27th largest ether address. On Nov. 19, 2022, the wallet held 250,735 ether, but by 7:44 a.m. (ET) on Nov. 20, the “FTX Accounts Drainer” transferred roughly 50,000 ether out of the wallet. By leveraging Ren’s bitcoin gateway, the entity has been swapping out the ethereum in exchange for bitcoin.

The ‘FTX Accounts Drainer’ Entity Wants Bitcoin

The wallet known as “Одводнување на сметки на FTX” has dropped from the 27th largest ethereum wallet position to the 37th позиција after unloading roughly 50,000 ether worth around $58.3 million on Sunday, Nov. 20, 2022. The day prior, Bitcoin.com News reported on the wallet becoming the 27th largest ether wallet after it consolidated more than 250,000 ЕТХ.

Анализа на синџир indicates that “FTX Accounts Drainer” has sent the 50,000 ethereum through Ren’s bitcoin gateway, a platform that tokenizes bitcoin (БТК) on the Ethereum blockchain. The “FTX Accounts Drainer’s” identity is currently unknown as some believe it’s a malicious entity, others believe it’s a former FTX executive, and some people believe it may be a white hat hacker.

The entity’s other address, which holds over 100 ERC20 tokens, has remained untouched for a week now and it’s worth roughly $189 million. Choosing to offload through Ren’s bitcoin gateway indicates that the user wants to get bitcoin in exchange for the ether. Using Ren instead of swapping into WBTC was likely chosen because WBTC is managed by Bitgo.

The Renvm protocol is more decentralized as it can mint tokens that represent non-Ethereum-based cryptocurrencies. While tokenized БТК products like WBTC are popular, RENBTC is a lot less liquid in comparison.

Ознаки во оваа приказна
27th, 37th, адреса, blockchain, ETH паричник, FTX, Одводнување на сметки на FTX, FTX стечај, Колапс на FTX, FTX crypto assets, FTX ETH, Хакер, Inside job, Движења со синџир, Рен, REN Bitcoin Gateway, Ренбтц, Паричник, бела капа

What do you think about the “FTX Accounts Drainer” offloading ethereum for bitcoin using Ren’s bitcoin gateway? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Ејми Редман

Џејми Редмен е водечки во вестите на Bitcoin.com News и новинар за финансиска технологија што живее во Флорида. Редмен е активен член на заедницата за криптовалути од 2011 година. Тој има страст за Биткоин, код со отворен код и децентрализирани апликации. Од септември 2015 година, Редмен напиша повеќе од 6,000 статии за Bitcoin.com News за непушачите протоколи што се појавуваат денес.

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/ftx-accounts-drainer-offloads-50000-eth-entity-uses-rens-bitcoin-gateway-to-acquire-btc/