Еве зошто мечките имаат за цел да го задржат биткоинот под 29 илјади долари пред истекот на опциите за БТК од 640 милиони долари во петок

Over the past nine days, Bitcoin’s (БТК) daily closing price fluctuated in a tight range between $28,700 and $31,300. The May 12 collapse of TerraUSD (UST), previously the third-largest stablecoin by market cap, negatively impacted investor confidence and the path for Bitcoin’ price recovery seems clouded after the Nasdaq Composite Stock Market Index plunged 4.7% on May 18.

Disappointing quarterly results from top United States retailers are засилување up recession fears and on May 18, Target (TG) shares dropped 25%, while Walmart (WMT) stock plunged 17% in two days. The prospect of an economic slowdown brought the S&P 500 Index to the edge of bear market territory, a 20% contraction from its all-time high.

Moreover, the recent crypto price drop was costly to leverage buyers (longs). Според to Coinglass, the aggregate liquidations reached $457 million at derivatives exchanges between May 15 and 18.

Bulls placed bets at $32,000 and higher

The open interest for the May 20 options expiry is $640 million, but the actual figure will be much lower since bulls were overly-optimistic. Bitcoin’s recent downturn below $32,000 took buyers by surprise and only 20% of the call (buy) options for May 20 have been placed below that price level.

Bitcoin опции агрегат отворен интерес за мај 20. Извор: CoinGlass

The 0.66 call-to-put ratio reflects the dominance of the $385 million put (sell) open interest against the $255 million call (buy) options. However, as Bitcoin stands near $30,000, most put (sell) bets are likely to become worthless, reducing bears’ advantage.

If Bitcoin’s price remains above $29,000 at 8:00 am UTC on May 20, only $160 million worth of these put (sell) options will be available. This difference happens because a right to sell Bitcoin at $30,000 is worthless if BTC trades above that level on expiry.

Sub-$29K BTC would benefit bears

Below are the three most likely scenarios based on the current price action. The number of options contracts available on May 20 for call (bull) and put (bear) instruments varies, depending on the expiry price. The imbalance favoring each side constitutes the theoretical profit:

  • Помеѓу 28,000 и 29,000 $: 300 повици наспроти 7,100 повици. Нето резултатот ги фаворизира инструментите put (мечка) за 190 милиони долари.
  • Помеѓу 29,000 и 30,000 $: 600 повици наспроти 5,550 повици. Нето резултатот фаворизира мечки за 140 милиони долари.
  • Помеѓу 30,000 и 32,000 $: 1,750 повици наспроти 3,700 повици. Нето резултатот ги фаворизира инструментите put (мечка) за 60 милиони долари.

Оваа сурова проценка ги зема предвид опциите за продажба што се користат во надолни облози и опциите за повик исклучиво во тргувања од неутрален до нахакан. И покрај тоа, ова прекумерно поедноставување ги игнорира посложените инвестициски стратегии.

На пример, трговецот можеше да продаде опција за ставање, ефикасно да се здобие со позитивна изложеност на Bitcoin над одредена цена, но за жал, не постои лесен начин да се процени овој ефект.

Bulls have little to gain in the short-term

Bitcoin bears need to pressure the price below $29,000 on May 20 to secure a $190 million profit. On the other hand, the bulls’ best case scenario requires a push above $30,000 to minimize the damage.

Considering Bitcoin bulls had $457 million in leveraged long positions liquidated between May 15 and 18, they should have less margin required to drive the price higher. Thus, bears will try to suppress BTC below $29,000 ahead of the May 20 options expiry and this decreases the odds of a short-term price recovery.

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