LYOTRAVEL ги интегрира опциите за плаќање Bitcoin и Ethereum

ЛИОТРАВЕЛ is a digital travel agency combining the passion for travel with cryptocurrency innovation.

Since its establishment in November 2021, LYOTRAVEL has been offering travelers the convenience of booking flights and hotels using bitcoin (BTC), ethereum (ETH), Binance Coin (BNB), litecoin (LTC), LYO Credit, and other cryptocurrencies.

LYOTRAVEL is part of the LYOPAY екосистем of crypto products. LYOPAY envisions a world in which cryptocurrencies serve as legal tender. To realize this vision, they are out to put digital assets in everyone’s pocket by creating crypto-friendly tools used daily.

LYOTRAVEL recently partnered with the International Air Transport Association (IATA). IATA is the trade association for the world’s airlines, responsible for setting air transportation standards and promoting fair competition among airline companies. 

Through this deal, LYOTRAVEL can provide its customers with access to multiple airlines, including Делта Air Lines, Луфтханза, Бритиш ервејс, Емирати, and others. With IATA’s GoStandard Approval, customers are assured that their travel agency complies with industry standards.

ЛИОТРАВЕЛ offers its clients competitive prices with travel packages that are comparatively cheaper than competitors. Moreover, they are licensed, meaning customers book through a reputable source.

The travel agency also allows traveling friends or family to split costs. This is possible through LYOTRAVEL’s multiple wallets feature, enabling customers to pay for their trips using different wallets, whether through their wallets or their friends’. For travelers planning multiple trips for the same vacation, the Trip Stacking feature enables the seamless booking of numerous trips in one go.

LYOTRAVEL also offers various transportation options and over 2.2m properties, ranging from budget-friendly apartments to luxurious 5-star hotels, in destinations all around the world. Moreover, with no hidden fees, customers get the best prices in a transparent, licensed platform.

The platform can be a choice for travelers looking to book their next adventure. LYOTRAVEL has a user-friendly interface, and with the integration of cryptocurrencies, travelers are free to explore the world. 

To get started, users can create an account on

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