Ко-основачот на Makerdao предлага фонд од 14 милиони долари за борба против климатските промени; Поддржувачите на крипто ја исмеваат идејата - Биткоин Вести

Cryptocurrency advocates have been discussing a proposal by the founder of Makerdao, Rune Christensen, to fund a Scientific Sustainability Fund. An idea that aims to combat climate change and misinformation about energy solutions. Christensen is asking for 20,000 Ден tokens to move forward with the idea. The draft of the Maker Constitution was criticized on social media, with one person comparing Christensen’s idea to the Effective Altruism movement, which is backed by the controversial FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried.

Makerdao Co-Founder’s Climate Change Initiative Meets Mixed Reactions

A последните Makerdao Maker Improvement Proposal (MIP) by co-founder Rune Christensen proposes using 20,000 makerdao (MKR) tokens to fund a Scientific Sustainability Fund. According to Christensen, “Scientific Sustainability is a core principle of the Maker Constitution that recognizes the unique critical relationship between financial infrastructure and the global environmental risks of climate change,” This statement was made in a post on the Makerdao forum.

Christensen is a staunch climate change activist that wants the fund to combat “misinformation about energy solutions that have proven, real life track records of achieving scalable decarbonization.” At the time of writing, 20,000 makerdao (MKR) tokens is roughly around $14 million using today’s exchange rates.

Ко-основачот на Makerdao предлага фонд од 14 милиони долари за борба против климатските промени; Поддржувачите на крипто ја исмеваат идејата

Although Christensen believes the science of climate change is settled, there are still those who негира its existence and many people инсистираат that there is “no climate disaster.” Some crypto advocates have mocked Christensen’s plan, with one повикувајќи the proposal “trash” and its advocates “thieves destroying value for Ден holders.” Another individual испрашуван the use of a stablecoin project to combat climate change.

Едно лице коментира that it “looks like Rune has gone full Effective Altruism,” referring to the movement promoted by the former FTX CEO Сем Банкман-Фрид. In response to this comment, another праша, “Why doesn’t he use his own money instead of the Ден treasury?” While some people допадна Christensen’s idea, others препорачува that Makerdao partner with Klimadao, a climate finance project.

Ознаки во оваа приказна
$ 14 милиони, 20000 MKR tokens, активизам, управување со блокчејн, климатските промени, активизам за климатски промени, climate finance project, ко-основач, Критика, Крипто, крипто застапници, Cryptocurrency, decarbonization, ефективен алтруизам, енергетски решенија, финансиска инфраструктура, Шефот на FTX, Фондови, global environmental risks, Klimadao, недостаток на интерес, Maker Constitution, makerdao, дезинформации, MKR holders, MKR treasury, потсмева, предлог, Руне Кристенсен, Сем Банкман-Фрид, Scientific Sustainability Fund, Социјални медиуми, Стајткоин проект, Крадците

What do you think of Makerdao Co-Founder Rune Christensen’s proposal to combat climate change through a $14 million Scientific Sustainability Fund? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Ејми Редман

Џејми Редмен е водечки во вестите на Bitcoin.com News и новинар за финансиска технологија што живее во Флорида. Редмен е активен член на заедницата за криптовалути од 2011 година. Тој има страст за Биткоин, код со отворен код и децентрализирани апликации. Од септември 2015 година, Редмен напиша повеќе од 6,000 статии за Bitcoin.com News за непушачите протоколи што се појавуваат денес.

Кредити за слика: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/makerdao-co-founder-proposes-14-million-fund-to-combat-climate-change-crypto-supporters-mock-idea/