Микростратегијата ги разоткрива гласините за повик за маргина - вели дека ликвидацијата на Биткоин е непотребна дури и ако БТК падне под 3,562 долари - Избрани вести за биткоин

The CEO of the Nasdaq-listed software company Microstrategy has debunked the rumor that his company is facing a margin call for a bitcoin-backed loan and will be forced to sell some coins. If the price of the cryptocurrency “falls below $3,562 the company could post some other collateral,” the executive explained.

Microstrategy Hasn’t Received a Margin Call

Microstrategy CEO Michael Saylor debunked the rumor that his company is close to having to liquidate its bitcoin to meet a margin call for a bitcoin-backed loan. The rumor intensified as the price of БТК continued to plummet after the weekend sell-off.

However, Saylor tweeted Tuesday:

When Microstrategy adopted a bitcoin strategy, it anticipated volatility and structured its balance sheet so that it could continue to hodl through adversity.

Microstrategy’s Q1 2022 презентација details that the company took out a three-year term loan of $205 million from Silvergate Bank against 19,466 bitcoins.

Saylor revealed in a May 10 tweet that Microstrategy “needs to maintain $410 million as collateral” for this loan.

Microstrategy Debunks Margin Call Rumor — Says Bitcoin Liquidation Unnecessary Even if BTC Falls Below $3,562
Microstrategy’s Q1 2022 bitcoin holdings. Source: Microstrategy

Microstrategy is currently holding 115,109 БТК. In addition, its subsidiary, Macrostrategy, is holding 14,109 БТК, носејќи го својот group total to 129,218 биткоини.

The rumor started circulating when Microstrategy’s president, Phong Le, said in May that if the price of bitcoin dropped below about $21K, it would trigger a “margin call.” Typically, a margin call could be met by the company providing more capital or liquidating the loan’s collateral.

The price of bitcoin dipped below the $21K level this week. However, Microstrategy told Reuters Tuesday that it has not received a margin call, emphasizing:

We can always contribute additional bitcoins to maintain the required loan-to-value ratio.

Furthermore, Saylor explained that Microstrategy’s 115,109 bitcoins can cover the $410 million collateral down to the БТК price of $3,562. However, if the price of the crypto were to fall even lower, Microstrategy has other assets it could post as collateral, the executive detailed, elaborating:

Microstrategy has 115,109 БТК that it can pledge. If the price of БТК falls below $3,562 the company could post some other collateral.

Ознаки во оваа приказна
bitcoin collateral, Биткоин заеми, bitcoin pledge, macrostrategy, повик за маргина, Мајкл Сајлор, michael saylor margin call, микростратегија, микростратегија биткоин, microstrategy bitcoin loan, Microstrategy margin call, Банка на Силвергејт

What do you think about the Microstrategy margin call rumor? Let us know in the comments section below.

Кевин Хелмс

Студент по австриска економија, Кевин го пронајде Bitcoin во 2011 година и оттогаш е евангелист. Неговите интереси лежат во безбедноста на Bitcoin, системите со отворен извор, мрежните ефекти и пресекот меѓу економијата и криптографијата.

Кредити за слика: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/microstrategy-debunks-margin-call-rumor-bitcoin-liquidation-unnecessary-even-if-btc-falls-below-3562/