Мистериозниот биткоин кит акумулира над 117,000,000 долари во БТК за само една недела

The third-biggest Bitcoin whale in the world has entered accumulation mode with huge purchases of BTC over the last week as the leading crypto by market cap hovers around the $40,000 mark.

The whale is ranked number three but is the largest non-exchange entity and has accumulated 2,822 BTC in the past seven days, according to BitInfoCharts.

The new addition of BTC to the whale’s паричник is currently worth $117,144,042 and puts the value of their wallet at $5,202,214,689.

Closely followed crypto analyst Benjamin Cowen points out that the whale, unlike many of the top entities, stays fairly active rather than simply buying and holding.

He says that the whale appears to have been trading a range within Bitcoin’s price action, buying dips and selling local highs.

„Можете да видите дека тие периодично додаваат во нивниот куп овде на ниските нивоа од 40,000 долари и повисоките нивоа од 30,000 долари. Сега причината зошто ова е интересно е затоа што не беше толку одамна кога симнуваа некои од масата…

We need to understand that some people like to swing trade the market. Some people trade the ranges, and when it gets to the top of the range they sell and when it goes to the bottom of the range they buy…

Ако се вратиме назад - само за да дадеме малку повеќе историја - ќе се вратите во ноември и можете да видите дека всушност симнале 1,500 биткоин од масата за 67,000 долари.

In contrast to the whale’s relatively active trading strategy, Cowen notes that the majority of the richest Bitcoin wallets tend to buy only on occasion, usually after large corrections. He says that a resurgence of the most long-term strategy whales could eventually end up being a major buy-signal for Bitcoin.

“The reason why I keep watching these wallets is, man it’d be nice to see them buying again. If we’re sitting here and Bitcoin is trading at some price in the future and we’re all feeling somewhat depressed about it and we see these wallets adding again, boy that’d be interesting. We’ll be like, ‘well they got $3,800 Bitocin, the bottom was at $3,100, then they picked it up at $31,000 when the bottom was at $29,000, so maybe they’ll do a good job again in the future.’”


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Избрана слика: Shutterstock/Хоика Михаил

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/04/19/mysterious-bitcoin-whale-accumulates-over-117000000-in-btc-in-just-one-week