PAYB․IO го олеснува купувањето за сопствениците на криптовалути и значително им заштедува време - Соопштение за печатот Биткоин Вести

СООПШТЕНИЕ ЗА МЕДИУМИТЕ. (London, United Kingdom) – The operator of cryptocurrency purchases on the e-commerce market, PAYB.IO improves and expands its international operations.

Their innovative solution allows cryptocurrency holders from around the world to use a multi shopping cart to place orders in multiple online stores simultaneously, saving time and streamlining the shopping process.

со PAYB.IO and its new multi-basket, users in one transaction can place an order in up to 10 different stores in various countries and pay for them all with just one cryptocurrency transaction. This eliminates the need for multiple logins and payment transactions in different FIAT currencies. Such a unique solution, pioneered by PAYB.IO, makes shopping substantially easier and saves users’ time.

Save with PAYB.IO

The company is open to cooperation with projects that have their own token, enabling clients or team members to pay with them in online stores. Furthermore, PAYB.IO establishes partnerships to offer additional discounts for cryptocurrency holders. For more information on these deals, follow PAYB.IO на социјалните медиуми.


PAYB.IO is a European company that supports purchases in online stores that do not accept cryptocurrency payments. The platform also offers a growing list of supported cryptocurrencies and constantly expands to include more tokens.

In addition to its secure and licensed payment system, PAYB.IO has gained the trust of its users by handling both large and small purchases.

За повеќе информации за PAYB.IO and its services, visit their website and watch their објаснување видео.

Social Media & Contact:

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Кредити за слика: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons
