Влоговите на ЕТХ се зголемуваат во Q3; Нестабилноста на биткоинот предизвикува загуба од 106 милиони долари на Тесла; Binance блиску до пронаоѓање на хакер

The biggest news in the cryptoverse for Oct. 25 includes the amount of staked Ethereum surpassing 14 million year-to-date, Tesla’s $106 million loss to Bitcoin volatility, and Apple’s guidelines on how iOS developers can add in-app NFT purchase functions to their apps. 

Вкупниот влог на Ethereum надминува 14 милиони во третиот квартал при пад на цената од 3%.

Износот на залог Ethereum (ЕТХ) increased to 14 million since the beginning of the year. The amount equates to over $19 billion. This significant amount of Ethereum was staked even though the ETH price declined by 64% year-to-date.

Tesla reportedly lost $106M to Bitcoin volatility in Q3

Во февруари 2021, Тесла purchased over 43,200 Bitcoin (БТК)for around $1.5 billion. At the end of June 2022, Tesla announced that it exchanged about 75% of its Bitcoin reserves for $936 million.

The math indicates that the leading electric car company lost around $106 million because of its Bitcoin investment.

Apple ќе дозволи купување во апликација на NFT, што подлежи на даночна стапка од 30%.

Apple’s latest announcement revealed that the company is planning to enable the direct purchase of NFTs. On Oct. 25, Apple published guidelines to show developers how they can create in-app purchases of NFTs, as well as storing, minting, listing, and transferring on their iOS apps.

Јавните рудари на биткоин го прошируваат својот удел на хашрејт

Public Bitcoin miners’ hashrate share has grown exponentially in the last year.

Bitcoin mining public vs private
Bitcoin mining public vs. private

As a result of the 2021 bull run, miners gained access to considerable amounts of funding, which most re-invested in themselves to enhance their mining capabilities. This development led to a continuous increase in their Bitcoin hashrate shares.

Основачот на Solend вели дека SBF сака да „профитира по секоја цена“

Соленд (SLND) founder 0xrooter referred to the FTX Извршен директор Сем Банкман-Фрид as someone who wants to profit at all costs.

0xrooter added that he didn’t have any personal interaction with SBF but argued that the actions speak for the personality, and SBF’s character seems like a “profit maxi.”

Заедницата MakerDAO MKR го одобрува предлогот „endgame“.

MakerDAO (Ден) community approved the DAO’s Endgame proposal with an overwhelming majority of 80% on Oct. 25. The proposal suggested breaking the decentralized protocol into smaller units called MetaDAOs to increase decentralization.

MakerDAO founder Rune Christensen submitted the proposal, and some community members said that Christensen influenced 50% of the yes votes.

Предводникот на DeFi, Андре Кроње, се враќа со средна објава со „чудни псиопи“.

Founder and architect of Yearn Finance (ЈФИ) Андре Кроње posted an article on his medium account titled “The Crypto Winter of 2022” on Oct. 25. He discussed the downwards market sentiment, the Terra collapse, and the wave of CeFi bankruptcies. Cronje said these situations arose because of a problem of “asymmetrical information.”

However, the community didn’t appreciate Cronje’s comments on asymmetry. Crypto trading platform Archax’s co-founder MJP.sol said Cronje’s platform also ran through asymmetrical information, which is why it was absurd for him to blame everything on it.

Nic Carter’ disappointed’ by lack of original research in White House report on Bitcoin mining

Coinmetrics’ co-founder Nic Carter was a guest on the latest episode of the WhatBitcoinDid podcast to talk about the recent report on Bitcoin mining released by the White House.

Картер рече:

„[Белата куќа] не се целосно свесни за тоа што биткоинерите имаат да кажат за рударството. Тие едноставно се многу омаловажувачки за тие работи“.

He added that the White House reached out to him to hear his comments on the report but was reluctant to listen and disregarded everything.

Ексклузивно CryptoSlate

Регулирањето на Stablecoin може да го означи почетокот на крајот за DeFi

Kyle Torpey wrote an exclusive piece for CryptoSlate discussing the possible effects of stablecoin regulations on DeFi. Torpey pointed out that stablecoins make up a large portion of the DeFi economy, and the new stablecoin rules could either make or break the DeFi.

According to Torpey, strong regulations on stablecoins could remove the main attractiveness of DeFi, which is the ability to conduct financial activities freely. He wrote:

“In terms of effects on DeFi, stronger regulations on stablecoins would be massive. A key selling point of various DeFi apps is the ability to trade, borrow, lend, and conduct other financial activities without handing over personal information.”

That said, Torpey also acknowledged that the DeFi market is too big to collapse completely. Even though it would suffer from more strict KYC and AML rules, it wouldn’t disappear completely. Instead, he said:

“it would lead to a situation where the sector is a small fraction of the size it is today, as much of DeFi’s utility is removed once you regulate the stablecoins.”

Истражувачки нагласок

Research: On-chain data shows Bitcoin Long term holders are selling again

According to on-chain data, long-term holders are selling bulks from their reserves again.

Investors who have been holding their Bitcoins for over a year had sold 50,000 Bitcoins as of last week. On the other hand, holders older than two years sold almost 40,000. Investors who held on to their Bitcoins for more than three years gave up a total of 30,000 Bitcoins.

The behaviors of long-term investors are an essential metric for macroanalysis. Long-term holders’ tendency to sell is a sign of capitulation, and it usually happens at the bottom of the market since long-term investors are the strongest ones.

Вести од целиот Cryptoverse

Hong Kong introduces green bonds

The BIS Innovation Hub Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority collaborated to introduce Project Genesis 2.0 report. The project combines the green bond market and the carbon market and proposes a new green bond asset. The new investment is designed to meet the mitigation outcome interests that comply with the verified carbon credits specified in the Paris agreement.

Binance is closing in on the hacker

Binance страдаше from a breach on Oct.6 and lost two million БНБ tokens. According to CNBC, Извршен директор на Binance Чанпенг Жао said they are getting closer to finding the hacker responsible for the attack.

The 24-hour trading volume of Reddit Collectibles reach $1.2 million

Reddit collectible avatars NFTs soared in sales and trading, according to a post on Reddit. The total sales volume of all NFTs increased by 30% in the past 24 hours to reach $1 million. A total of 3,202 sales were made, which compensated for 17% of the sales made since the launch of the NFTs.

Mailchain starts supporting ENS domains

According to a post on the company blog, the multi-wallet communication layer company Mailchain announced that it started supporting Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domains in its secure email platform. The update will allow Mailchain users to send and receive messages directly to their blockchain wallets using their ENS names.

Near spends $40 million to replace USN stablecoin’s collateral gap

Near Foundation announced sparing a $40 million grant towards replenishing a deficit found in collateral reserves for USN, as reported by Блокот.


In the last 24 hours, Bitcoin (BTC) soared by -3.77% to trade at $20,077, while Ethereum (ETH) also spiked by +18.94% to trade at $1,468.

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Source: https://cryptoslate.com/cryptoslate-wrapped-daily-staked-eth-soars-in-q3-bitcoin-volatility-causes-tesla-106m-loss-binance-close-to-finding-hacker/