Богатите инвеститори на Uber го избираат овој алткоин наместо биткоинот

For many years and likely many years to come, bitcoin has been the number 1 digital asset for investors, especially those looking to invest in the long-term. When big money started entering into the crypto space, bitcoin was the first stop before it diversified into other assets. However, as time as gone by and more altcoins are beginning to gain popularity, bitcoin is losing its hold as the number 1 choice for investors.

A recent survey that featured respondents from the ultra-wealthy class showed that they did not favor bitcoin as their first choice. Rather, they picked an altcoin whose growth has rivaled and even surpassed that of bitcoin since its inception.

Ethereum доаѓа на врвот

Crypto.com revealed that the wealthy are gradually moving away from bitcoin. Their obvious choice besides the leading cryptocurrency is ethereum, which is currently the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap.

Броевите дадени од крипто берзата покажаа дека ethereum оставил свој белег на богатите. Со својот широк опсег на случаи и апликации, како што се децентрализираните финансии (DeFi) и NFTs, вредноста на криптовалутата експоненцијално се зголеми. А со тоа дојде и поголема доверба од инвеститорите.

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Crypto.com reached that that ethereum beat out bitcoin by 1% when it comes to the number of high-value investors going into crypto. Bitcoin came out at 33%, while ethereum made the top of the list at 34%, proving to be the preferred digital asset for investment purposes. Crypto funds came in third at 23%, other altcoins dominated at 15%, while Dogecoin, surprisingly, made the list with 2% of investors wanting to invest in the meme coin.

The crypto exchange also noted that about 1 billion people are expected to be invested in the crypto market by 2022. By the look of things, ethereum may see a larger share of investors compared to bitcoin.

Но, зошто ЕТХ?

Па, за оние кои инвестираат во крипто просторот, може да има голем број фактори. Една од нив е ниските каматни стапки што ги нудат банките и приносите од традиционалните инвестициски патишта како акциите и обврзниците се премногу ниски за да се борат против стапката на инфлација. Така, со цел инфлацијата да не го јаде нивното богатство, овие инвеститори го избраа крипто-пазарот за нивните потреби.

Графикон на цени Ethereum од TradingView.com

ЕТХ се обновува на 2,600 долари | Извор: ETHUSD на TradingView.com

Bitcoin had been the inflation hedge of choice for years before now. But all of that is changing as the ethereum network has taken major steps towards becoming deflationary. President and Founder of TIGER 21, Michael Sonnenfeldt, notes that the high inflation rates are what is pushing the uber-wealthy investors towards crypto, and by extension, ethereum.

„Како и сите инвеститори, супербогатите се загрижени за инфлацијата и се обидуваат да го зачуваат своето богатство во 2022 година“, рече Соненфелд.

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Likewise, another member of TIGER 21 explained that investors are starting to favor ethereum over bitcoin. Additionally, similar projects like Solana and Avalanche are also enjoying this support.

“I am very bullish on both Bitcoin and ETH. My personal assessment is that the tide is turning in favor of ETH. I also like Ethereum alternatives like Solana and Avalanche.” – Andy Sack, member of TIGER 21.

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Source: https://www.newsbtc.com/news/bitcoin/the-uber-rich-investors-are-picking-this-altcoin-over-bitcoin/