Фондацијата Кардано ја удвојува наградата на хакерите за наоѓање безбедносни пропусти во нејзиниот блокчејн

The Cardano Foundation is temporarily doubling the rewards for its “Bug Bounty” program that awards hackers cash for finding any weaknesses in the smart contract platform’s blockchain.

In August, the non-profit foundation partnered with vulnerability management firm HackerOne, which uses hackers to expose cyber security flaws.

The program had previously offered hackers up to $10,000 for finding critical bugs in the backend of the Cardano node and up to $7,500 for locating critical weaknesses in the backend of the Cardano Wallet.

The reward has now doubled: Until March 25th, hackers can earn up to $20,000 for node bugs and up to $15,000 for wallet issues, according to the Cardano Foundation’s HackerOne page.

Explains the foundation,

“Cardano Foundation looks forward to working with the security community to find security vulnerabilities in order to keep our businesses and customers safe. From this program, we aim to strengthen the Cardano brand through this public bug bounty program, covering essential items to access and manage crypto assets that are issued on the Cardano blockchain…

Any activities conducted in a manner consistent with this policy will be considered authorized conduct and we will not initiate legal action against you. If legal action is initiated by a third party against you in connection with activities conducted under this policy, we will take steps to make it known that your actions were conducted in compliance with this policy.”

Cardano’s native asset ADA is trading at $1.10 at time of writing.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Hakim Graphy/Mingirov Yuriy

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/02/16/cardano-foundation-doubles-hacker-bounty-for-finding-security-vulnerabilities-in-its-blockchain/