Децентрализиран екосистем со над 25 криптовалути

11 јануари 2023 година во 09:30 // Вести

This comes with big difference from the competitors like Revolut

2022 was one of the hardest year for crypto world. FTX bankruptcy finally damaged users’ trust in centralized exchanges and they began to wonder whether the storage of client funds was really secure. A wave of mistrust had swept across almost all the top exchanges, including Binance.

The community wants to keep funds securely in their wallets, with no interference of third sources and at the same time to invest in a variety of tools with the same speed and commissions as at centralized platforms. And perhaps now is the best time to start something new, as Uniswap and Maker DAO once entered the market after a long crypto winter and changed the industry forever.

За проектот:

In the end of 2022 Civilization Network introduced a decentralized ecosystem that combines over 25 well-known cryptocurrencies as well as trading at stock market. And all of this comes with one big difference from the main competitors such as Revolut: the Civilization ecosystem is decentralized and does not store customer funds. At the same time the treasury with liquidity is completely transparent.Commissions are the lowest in the world today – 0.01%, which is lower than at any CeFi or DeFi exchange.


We created this project in advance and deliberately chose this time. Since all products were ready beforehand and the application had already passed the AppStore test, now it is available on iOS. According to the founders, now is the best time to introduce the replacement of centralized services, to challenge payment giants such as Visa and MasterCard and show a rapid growth during the market reversal after a long crypto-winter. In the first 3 days after the launch more than 35,000 people entered the project and the audience is growing very fast in different regions, including Asia, North and South America, Europe and Africa.

According to the plan in the coming days advertising will appear in all known places of the planet with a large crowd. And it is also planned to buy advertising at sports events, bus stickers in London, advertising in the subway and much more.

Кога проектот започнува:

Tokens can be purchased on January 23, 2023 at least at 2 exchanges, including its own application. Then global marketing expansion will increase and the project is going to reach an audience of 2 million by the summer of 2023. The project solves the global problem of currency transfers and blocking and could replace SWIFT. Pre-registration is possible at the
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телеграма гласник.

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Source: https://coinidol.com/cvl-network-platform/