Децентрализирани ценовни Oracles од Chainlink сега достапни на Солана

  • First, developers will access seven distinct Chainlink pricing feeds.
  • Developers now have additional building blocks at their disposal.

Decentralized pricing oracles from Chainlink are now accessible on Солана, letting developers obtain reliable, real-time price data for seven distinct trading pairs, with hundreds more expected in the coming months. Those working on the high-throughput blockchain now have an additional building block at their disposal.

Most Widely Used Oracles in Blockchain

In a press release on Friday, the prominent oracle supplier revealed that it had put its pricing oracle networks into operation. First, developers will access seven distinct Chainlink pricing feeds, including those for the BTC/USD, ETH/USD, and USDC/USD trading pairings, to create better-decentralized blockchain apps. 

Сергеј Назаров, the co-founder of Chainlink, made a statement on the integration:

„Со обезбедување на најсигурни и најквалитетни податоци за веќе молскавично-брзиот блок синџир Solana, интеграцијата на Chainlink со Solana е голем чекор напред за вид на скалабилни, институционално ниво, DeFi апликации кои можат да се градат само на Solana. Chainlink сега е најробусната и најсеопфатната Oracle мрежа на блокчејнот Solana и очекуваме нејзината улога во екосистемот Solana да се прошири додека интегрираме повеќе доводи за цени и дополнителни услуги надвор од синџирот“.

Chainlink’s activation on the network will “give DeFi developers access to the most widely used oracles in blockchain,” according to Anatoly Yakovenko, a co-founder of Solana.

Базиран на Солана на определен обем, initiatives, including yield aggregators Francium and Tulip, money market Paricot Finance, and the stablecoin protocol UPFI, have already agreed to use Chainlink’s price feeds. It also said that it plans to offer more of its services, including Proof-of-Reserve service for asset attestations, Keepers, and Verifiable Random Functions for event-driven and time-based automation, to Solana in addition to the price feeds.

Source: https://thenewscrypto.com/decentralized-price-oracles-from-chainlink-now-accessible-on-solana/