Почетокот на децентрализираните безжични мрежи

26 април 2022 година, 12:00 часот по наше време

• 11 мин прочитано

Брзо земете

  • Helium, which has been around since 2013, has sought to improve connectivity across electronic devices by means of a peer-to-peer (P2P) network
  • After the introduction of their token, HNT, in 2019, Helium started seeing meaningful traction in their business model
  • Since then, Helium has grown in adoption and boasts one of the largest decentralized networks in the blockchain space
  • As a result, a handful of related projects have started entering the decentralized wireless (DeWi) space in an attempt to capture some of the market share
  • DeWi is a relatively new technology, but with the accomplishments in the blockchain space thus far, it is possible that they could significantly impact certain industries today, such as telecommunications

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Source: https://www.theblockresearch.com/the-inception-of-decentralized-wireless-networks-141183?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss