UFC го избира VeChain како свој прв официјален блокчејн партнер во слој 1

The mixed martial arts organisation UFC has назначен VeChain as its first official layer 1 blockchain partner.

The collaboration, beginning on Saturday, June 11, includes a range of synergies into UFC live events and exclusive content for its digital and social media platforms, according to the official statement.

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According to claims, the deal is worth $100 million and will extend for five years. Following its 2015 debut, Vechain acquired relationships with many industry-leading organisations, including BMW Group and Walmart.

UFC provides a unique platform for VeChains’ expansion due to the franchise’s large fan base and global prominence. Around 900 million homes in 175 countries have access to UFC broadcasts and events, contributing to this collaboration being a huge success.

Under the terms of the multi-year arrangement, VeChain will get access to official UFC fighter rankings, giving it exposure across live broadcasts and the UFC’s website.

VeChain will also have a brand presence inside the Octagon at 42 yearly UFC events and 10 Dana White Contender Series events.

In addition, UFC 275 will showcase sponsored footage and assets supporting VeChain. This is the first event to take place in Southeast Asia.

Moreover, the deal provides boxers with reward packages in the form of a yearly Brand Ambassador fund.

Commenting on this huge achievement, Sunny Lu, co-Founder and CEO of VeChain mentioned that:

„Тоа е историски момент кога VeChain, јавниот блокчејн Layer 1 со најмногу усвојување на претпријатијата, ги здружува силите со најбрзо растечкиот спорт за да ја подигне свеста дека блокчејн технологијата е од клучно значење за помагање во реализацијата на главните глобални цели, како што е одржливоста“.  

Тој понатаму додаде: 

„Ова е само почеток на повеќегодишна врска со UFC и ние навистина со нетрпение очекуваме заедно да го промениме светот“.

The public VeChainThor blockchain is remarkable in that its technologies have been implemented commercially at industry and government levels across various sectors.

Their technology has the potential to dramatically revolutionise the global economy by vastly improving data openness and security and by enabling unprecedented cooperation utilising trustless data provided by a blockchain.

In addition, VeChainThor is mainstreaming applications in areas like sustainability, carbon management, supply chain & logistics, energy, medical, and others.

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Source: https://invezz.com/news/2022/06/09/ufc-selects-vechain-as-its-first-official-layer-1-blockchain-partner/