Venom Ventures Fund обврзува стратешка инвестиција од 5 милиони долари во блокчејнот Everscale

Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, 31st January, 2023, Chainwire

Venom Ventures Fund, a Web3 and blockchain innovation fund managed by Abu Dhabi-based investment fund manager Iceberg Capital Limited, has announced a strategic partnership with Everscale, a premier blockchain that aims to solve the scalability issues bogging down the Web3 industry.

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Venom Ventures Fund has committed a $5 million investment in Everscale to help it further expand its development teams and boost the number of projects. The investment will be in stages, based on the progress and cooperation indicators.

Everscale has been diligently working on expanding its reach and integrating its technology solutions in Asian countries over the past two years, while also building a strong community. Its dynamic sharding technology enables it to efficiently adapt to varying workloads, thus making it an easy and practical option for creating large-scale Web3 and other types of applications.

The Venom Ventures Fund was launched by Iceberg Capital Limited in partnership with Venom Foundation, the first officially licensed and regulated Layer-1 blockchain operating within the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM).

Venom Ventures Fund Chairman Peter Knez, ex-CIO of BlackRock, said, “For us, this is a strategic investment aimed at the technological development of projects and teams around technologies that we focus on and actively develop. In particular, we are talking about the Venom blockchain project and its ecosystem, which is planned to be launched soon and for which Everscale is a potential Layer 2 solution".

Venom and Everscale teams will be working together on the further development of the core and the ecosystem bringing the adoption of blockchain closer to real business use cases. Current initiatives such as digital asset tokenization platforms, a full framework for CBDCs and stablecoins and payment solutions with crypto to fiat gateways are already making good headway.

Commenting on the investment, Everscale Foundation Board Member Moon Young Lee said, “Ова е пресвртница и за мрежите Everscale и Venom. Технолошките способности на Everscale се огромни, но тие беа недоволно ценети од пошироката публика. Сега, Everscale ќе може да работи како експериментална мрежа каде што може да се воведат ажурирања и сложени технички решенија пред да се донесат во Venom. Оваа инвестиција ќе му овозможи на Everscale да го добие признанието што го заслужува".

Designed as a network of blockchains, Venom has no limit to the number of other auxiliary networks at the Layer 2 level and no limit to the economy type or operation at the Layer 2. This particular architecture means that mass adoption is now achievable on the Venom blockchain.

За Everscale

Powered by an infinite sharding mechanism, the Everscale network adapts to any workload it is tasked with, without the size of the load affecting transaction times or processing fees. This makes it the ideal blockchain for hosting high-scale web3 and other load-intensive projects. Over the past two years, Everscale has emerged as one of the leading blockchains in Asia, with a thriving community and robust ecosystem of DeFi platforms.

More About the Everscale network:

За главниот град на Iceberg

ICEBERG Capital Limited is regulated by FSRA as a Prudential Category 3C investment manager based in ADGM. ICEBERG capital is a fast-growing alternative asset management company that provides diversified investment management platforms that includes direct and private equity, venture capital, technology, and virtual assets. ICEBERG capital also offers traditional asset management services such as investment portfolios as well as specialized platforms for securities, and blockchain technology.

For media inquiries, please contact: Abdullah Al Weshah, [заштитена по е-пошта]

За повеќе информации за Iceberg Capital, посетете: Веб-страница | Скопје

За Фондацијата Venom

Venom е првиот регулиран блокчејн во светот. Децентрализираната мрежа работи под јурисдикција на АДГМ, со лиценца за издавање токени за комунални услуги. ADGM е оаза за инвеститорите и фирмите за финансиски услуги, позиционирајќи го Venom како прв во светот усогласен блокчејн, овозможувајќи им на властите и претпријатијата слобода да градат, иновираат и размеруваат.

Портфолио на домашни dApps и протоколи е развиено на блокчејнот Venom од различни компании. Сега има потенцијал да стане мост за усвојување на CBDC на Блискиот Исток, Северна Африка и во светот.

For media inquiries, please contact: Adam Newton, [заштитена по е-пошта]

За повеќе информации за Venom Ventures, посетете: Веб-страница  |  Twitter

За повеќе информации за Venom Foundation, посетете: Веб-страница  |  Twitter


Адам Њутн, [заштитена по е-пошта]
