Централизирана наспроти децентрализирана размена на крипто (добрите и лошите страни)

Centralized crypto exchanges are platforms that allow users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies within an infrastructure managed by the exchange company. On the other hand, decentralized exchanges allow traders to trade directly from self-custodial wallets, without giving up control of their assets. Most new investors often wonder if they should use a centralized or decentralized exchange.

We have taken it upon ourselves to obtain the information that you have been seeking and have presented them to you in the most lucid form with simple terms to maximize understanding. In this article, you will learn about centralized and decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges. What is more? We have provided a wide list of the best Bitcoin exchanges and other cryptocurrency exchanges that satisfy these conditions as a working list that you can always choose from while making your decisions.

Еве преглед кој ќе ви ја олесни навигацијата:

What is Crypto Exchange?

A crypto exchange is an online platform for buying and selling digital currencies. It is an online platform  that allows traders to buy, swap, invest, convert, sell and transfer their cryptocurrencies from one wallet address to another. Added to this, an exchange has several other features and services it renders to traders.

The most important of them is that: it allows traders to exchange their fiat money for crypto and vice-versa. Thus, without an exchange, it may be difficult to convert crypto to fiat money, especially in those countries where crypto has not been legalized. The services offered by a crypto exchange are very much similar to those of brokers. This is because crypto exchange bridges the gap between the trader and the crypto market, just like brokers do in the forex market.

Basic Functions of an Exchange

The functions that the exchanges perform for crypto traders are so numerous. Without a crypto exchange, it might be difficult to buy and sell crypto or even exchange it for fiat money. Below are the highlights of the important functions played by exchanges today:

Видови на крипто размени

There are two main types of Crypto exchange. They are: Centralized and Decentralized crypto exchanges. Other forms found today include a modification or crossbreeding of the two main types of exchange:

Централизирана размена

A centralized exchange is the type of exchange that is built on a Central Server. All activities on the server are therefore monitored and controlled by the owners. This type of exchange is often regulated. This means users of the platforms can be traced in cases of fraud and misconduct. Hence, centralized exchange always requires its users to complete an identity verification process known as ‘Know-Your-Customer’ (KYC) before they are granted full access to use the platform. Above all, Centralized exchange enables users to exchange crypto easily into fiat money and vice-versa.

List of Top Centralized Exchanges

  • Binance
  • Coinbase
  • Kraken
  • Bitfinex

Centralized Exchange Pros

Many users today are attracted to centralized exchange more than any other form. Below are the major advantages of using a Centralized exchange:

Centralized Exchange Cons

The following are the disadvantages associated with using a centralized exchange:

Децентрализирана размена

A decentralized exchange is one that is grossly unregulated. There is no control over the user’s actions. Many traders today prefer to carry out large volumes of crypto transactions without ever revealing their identity; and making it impossible to trace them. This is just how decentralized exchange serves this set of people. Thus, it is a crypto exchange medium where all transactions are carried out anonymously without any trace of the dealers.

List of Top Decentralized Exchanges

  • Uniswap (Ethereum)
  • Pancakeswap (BNB Chain)
  • Raydium (Solana)
  • QuickSwap (Polygon)

Decentralized Crypto Exchange Pros

  • Gives users total control over their assets: There is no central body that controls the decentralized exchange. Hence, users have full control over their assets and can decide what to do with them. The cases of hacking are highly minimized while using the decentralized exchange.

  • Helps to surmount government sanctions: Very often, users from those countries where crypto trading is prohibited by the government; consider the decentralized exchange as the best way to overcome those government sanctions. This is because it is very difficult for the government to penetrate it.

Decentralized Crypto Exchange Cons

The following are the disadvantages associated with using a decentralized crypto exchange:

Factors to consider while choosing an Exchange

There are ten major factors one needs to consider while choosing a crypto exchange. The following factors are discussed:

Source: https://coinfomania.com/centralized-vs-decentralized-crypto-exchanges/#utm_source=rss&%23038;utm_medium=rss&%23038;utm_campaign=centralized-vs-decentralized-crypto-exchanges