Компјутерски научници велат дека крипто индустријата ја заведува јавноста за блокчејн технологијата: Извештај

A group of technology experts is calling upon officials in Washington to crack down on what they believe to be misleading lobbying from the crypto industry.

Според пријавите from The Financial Times, 26 leading computer scientists and academics have signed and delivered a letter to US officials in the capital criticizing cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

The group, which includes Harvard lecturer Bruce Schneier, Microsoft engineer Miguel de Icaza and Google Cloud’s principal engineer Kelsey Hightower, aims to “counter-lobby” against the growing crypto and blockchain lobbying groups.

Says Schneier,

„Тврдењата што ги даваат застапниците на блокчејн не се точни. Не е безбедно, не е децентрализирано. Секој систем каде што ќе ја заборавите лозинката и ќе ја изгубите вашата животна заштеда не е безбеден систем“.

In the letter seen by FT, the authors ask officials to think twice before yielding to crypto lobbyists.

“We urge you to resist pressure from digital asset industry financiers, lobbyists and boosters to create a regulatory safe haven for these risky, flawed and unproven digital financial instruments…

Crypto-assets have been the vehicle for unsound and highly volatile speculative investment schemes that are being actively promoted to retail investors who may be unable to understand their nature and risk.”

According to Microsoft’s de Icaza, the computational power behind blockchain is the equivalent of what one could do in a centralized way with a $100 computer.

“We’re essentially wasting millions of dollars worth of equipment because we’ve decided that we don’t trust the banking system.”

Crypto lobbying efforts in Washington have increased in recent years, getting the attention of officials from both parties. Earlier this year, SkyBridge Capital CEO Anthony Scarramuci предвидено that lobbying groups would force the next two presidential candidates of 2024 to be pro-crypto.

„Дозволете ми само да ви го кажам ова, следете ги парите бидејќи има воден ѕид од пари што влегуваат во Вашингтон од различните здруженија и лоби групи. Ќе дадам предвидување на вашето шоу дека двајцата последни претседателски кандидати во 2024 година ќе бидат про-крипто, про-блокчејн. Следете ги парите“.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/LongQuattro/Mooi Design
