Crypto Giant Coinbase прави интерактивен трилогиски филм кој ја содржи колекцијата NFT Bored Ape Yacht Club

Top US-based crypto exchange platform Coinbase says it’s making a three-part film series featuring the Bored Ape Yacht Club non-fungible token (NFT) community.

In a new tweet, the crypto exchange says that members of the NFT-based community can help се создаде the trilogy by submitting their Bored Apes for casting.

According to the Bored Ape Yacht Club, only apes will be фрли for the first part of the film.

“We’re stoked that Coinbase is making a film series featuring the Bored Ape Yacht Club community. Bored APE NFT holders, submit your ape for casting. Mutants, don’t worry, this is the first film in a trilogy, and you’ll be getting your own casting call for part two.”

Coinbase also reveals that owners of successfully cast apes will добиваат thousands of dollars worth of either ApeCoin (APE) or Bitcoin (BTC).

“Compensation for chosen ape holders, amounting to $10,000 worth of either ApeCoin or Bitcoin, will be deposited into their Coinbase account.

The license will be recorded on-chain and will continue with the ape into the secondary market. However, the fee will be in a single payment to the original licensee (the holder who submitted the ape to the film).”

Coinbase says that any profit they make from the films would be со оглед to charity.

“Although unlikely, it is possible the film has net proceeds. In such an event, Coinbase will donate all of its net proceeds to a non-profit organization.”

Coinbase has yet to announce the release date for the first film of the series.

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Избрана слика: Shutterstock/Max9545
