Експертите препорачуваат одржувањето на PancakeSwap (CAKE) и Binance Coin (BNB), протоколот Orbeon (ORBN) да се зголеми за 987% во претпродажбата

PancakeSwap (CAKE) and Binance Coin (BNB) are two of the most popular cryptocurrencies on the market today. With consistent development, investors are confident in these projects, while some others are flocking to Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) for increased gains. With ORBN up 987% during the presale, they could be onto something. Let’s take a closer look.


Орбеон протокол (ORBN)

Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) provides startups with a novel, decentralized means to fundraise with the use of equity-backed, fractionalized NFTs, available from as low as $1.

Everyday investors can purchase these NFTs to support the startups they truly believe in, and their funds are secured with a “Fill or Kill” mechanism that fully refunds investors in the event of a failed funding round.

There is also a digital token, ORBN, that is used to fuel the platform. By holding or staking ORBN tokens, investors can earn staking rewards, governance rights, access to private investment groups, and more.

As you can see, Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) offers significant advantages to both investors and startups. That is why experts are now predicting ORBN will rise to the levels of PancakeSwap (CAKE) and Binance Coin (BNB) in presale following ORBN’s 987% price surge.


Палачинка скеп (торта)

PancakeSwap (CAKE) is a DEX built on the Binance Coin Smart Chain (BSC). PancakeSwap (CAKE) has become popular for its low fees and fast transaction times, making it an ideal choice for traders seeking quick returns. PancakeSwap (CAKE) also features a staking mechanism that allows users to earn rewards while they HODL PancakeSwap (CAKE) tokens.

PancakeSwap (CAKE) has recently unveiled its v2 upgrade, revolutionizing the PancakeSwap (CAKE) platform by introducing ‘Syrup Pools’ that can be used to stake other tokens and earn rewards.

Despite PancakeSwap’s (CAKE) ongoing endeavors towards advancing its technology, the price of CAKE has plummeted an unbelievable 92% since reaching a record high at $44 in May 2021. This is why experts are now recommending selling PancakeSwap (CAKE) in favor of investing in Orbeon Protocol (ORBN).

Бинарска монета (BNB)

The Binance (BNB) exchange rose to prominence during the 2018 ICO boom. Since then, Binance (BNB) has become so much more than an exchange, with the team launching an NFT marketplace, project launchpad, and even the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

However, Binance (BNB) is still primarily an exchange, and it offers users a wide range of trading options. The fees are also relatively low compared to other exchanges, which has helped Binance Coin (BNB) build up a loyal user base.

Like PancakeSwap (CAKE), the price of Binance Coin (BNB) has dropped significantly since its all-time high of $690.93 set in May 2021. This 75% fall in price is largely due to the crypto bear market, which has seen the prices of most major coins drop significantly. The FTX scandal added to Binance Coin’s (BNB) down-trend, with the crypto community wary of its lack of transparency.

 Дознајте повеќе за претпродажбата на протоколот Orbeon

Веб-страница: https://orbeonprotocol.com/

Препродажба: https://presale.orbeonprotocol.com/register 

Телеграма: https://t.me/OrbeonProtocol 

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/01/14/experts-recommend-holding-pancakeswap-cake-and-binance-coin-bnb-orbeon-protocol-orbn-surges-by-987-in-presale/