Еве каде да купите монета LooksRare (LOOKS) додека се собира по партнерството со Rarity Sniper

LooksRare (LOOKS) coin hit the ground running by unleashing a monster Bull Run after it was unveiled for trading and maintaining the Bull Run to date.

Besides the few pullbacks along the way, the price of LOOKS has moved up by over 55% since it was launched.

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To help investors and traders who are eyeing the LooksRare (LOOKS) coin, Invezz has created a brief article to help with identifying the best places to buy it.

За да дознаете повеќе, ве молиме продолжете со читање.

Best places to buy LOOKS coin

As LOOKS is such a new asset, it’s yet to be listed on major exchanges. You can still purchase LOOKS using a DEX (decentralised exchange) though, which just means there are a few extra steps. To buy LOOKS right now, follow these steps:

1. Купете ETH на регулирана размена или брокер, како eToro ›

Предлагаме eToro бидејќи е една од водечките светски платформи за тргување со повеќе средства, размена и паричник сè-во-едно со некои од најниските давачки во индустријата. Исто така е погодна за почетници и има повеќе начини на плаќање достапни за корисниците од која било друга достапна услуга.

2. Испратете го вашиот ETH на компатибилен паричник како Trust Wallet или MetaMask

Ќе треба да го креирате вашиот паричник, да ја земете вашата адреса и да ги испратите вашите монети таму.

3. Поврзете го вашиот паричник со Uniswap DEX

Одете на Uniswap и „поврзете“ го вашиот паричник со него.

4. You can now swap your ETH for LOOKS

Now that you’re connected, you’ll be able to swap for 100s of coins including LOOKS.

Што е LooksRare (LOOKS)?

LooksRare (LOOKS) is the native token of the LooksRare marketplace.

In a nutshell, the LooksRare marketplace is a community-focused NFT marketplace that rewards NFT creators and traders for participating and trading NFT on the platform.

Besides trading rewards, participants can also stake the LOOKS token to earn rewards on the LooksRare platform.

Users earn LOOKS token for trading NFT on LooksRare and earn WETH for staking LOOKS token.

Should I buy the LOOKS token today?

If you are looking for a cryptocurrency that is on a monster bull run, then the LOOKS coin is a great choice.

Како и да е, треба да бидете свесни за фактот дека купувањето на пазарот за криптовалути е крајно нестабилно.

LooksRare price prediction

The partnership between Rarity Sniper and LooksRare Marketplace is expected to propel the price of the LOOKS token towards $5.

$LOOKS social media coverage

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67% од малопродажните сметки на ЦФД губат пари

Source: https://invezz.com/news/2022/01/17/here-is-where-to-buy-looksrare-looks-coin-as-it-rallies-after-rarity-sniper-partnership/