Како тужбата SEC-Ripple (XRP) ќе го промени пазарот на крипто…

Ripple’s XRP is a divisive asset within the cryptocurrency community. Many enthusiasts believe it holds the key to mass crypto adoption and could land itself in the unique position of having SEC clarity. This clarity would be verified by a ruling favorable to the tech behemoth out of San Francisco from the U.S. District Court Judge Analisa Torres. We will examine how this ruling might affect the exciting new entrant Орбеон Protocol (ORBN), which has just sold out of stage 1 of its presale with 125% gains.


Why is the lawsuit happening?

Many investors argue that XRP is not a decentralized currency, which is the whole selling point of cryptocurrency. At the end of 2020, the SEC filed a lawsuit against Ripple Labs Inc and CEOs Brad Гарлихаус and Chris Larsen. They claimed other companies were not adopting the cryptocurrency for the reason it was initially created.

While the limbo continues for Гарлихаус and Larsen, American exchanges removed XRP from their offerings. This caused the price of XRP to drop from $0.58 to $0.25 in less than a week.

How will it change the market?

If the SEC does not come out on top in this case, XRP will have the clarity required to operate as a cryptocurrency on American markets again. This victory will immediately result in millions of people being able to invest and trade XRP again. In 2017, at one stage, XRP was the second biggest currency by market cap. The results could be astonishing if XRP returns to its former trading volume.

Not only will XRP see a huge increase in investment, but it will also drive an overwhelmingly positive market sentiment which will see other projects like Орбеон Protocol gain considerable momentum.


Што е Орбеон Протокол (ORBN)?

Подемот на Орбеон Protocol has excited many people in the crypto universe. Орбеон Protocol’s primary focus is to bridge the gap for people looking to invest in new and exciting companies. Many people wanted to get in on the ground floor of these companies but didn’t have the level of funds needed to access the venture capital industry.

In years gone by, large institutional investments like hedge funds, investment banks and venture capitalists have monopolized access to this type of investment. Орбеон Protocol  will challenge this model, allowing businesses to raise funds through community engagement. They can do this by using Орбеон Protocol NFTS-as-a-service (NFTaaS).

Startups operating on the protocol establish врз основа на капитал NFTs, which are traded among Орбеонusers. The NFTs are then fractionalized, allowing everyday investors to back these companies with as little as $1.

Орбеон Protocol has identified a major gap in the market and has created an asset that utilizes the power of several blockchains. Their future roadmap plans to establish virtual networking events in the Metaverse. The fact is that Орбеон Protocol has created hysteria by making the process of investing in crypto so straightforward.

It isn’t just a case of having the ability to invest in these companies which makes ОрбеонProtocol such a lucrative proposition. Mitigating factors are also implemented within the protocol, making it such an attractive investment. For instance, the smart contract, successfully audited by Solid Proof, contains a function that automatically refunds an investor if the company fails to hit its funding target. The “Fill or Kill” mechanism, along with a liquidity pool that is locked for 10 години and various other security features help make investing in Орбеон Protocol an attractive option.

No matter what happens with the SEC-Ripple lawsuit, Орбеон Protocol’s key features make it an enticing option for investors, both large and small. A positive outcome for Ripple will add momentum to the marketplace, making investment in Орбеон Протокол дотолку повеќе привлечен Many commentators expect ORBN to explode in value, with some predicting returns of 6,000%.

Дознајте повеќе за на Орбеон Претпродажба на протокол

Веб-страница: https://orbeonprotocol.com/

Препродажба: https://presale.orbeonprotocol.com/register

Телеграма: https://t.me/OrbeonProtocol

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Source: https://cryptodaily.co.uk/2022/11/how-the-sec-ripple-xrp-lawsuit-will-change-the-crypto-market-orbeon-protocol-orbn-will-surge