Мериам-Вебстер го нагласува мејнстрим растот на крипто, додавајќи ги „Altcoin“ и „Metaverse“ во речникот

The oldest dictionary publisher in the United States is officially adding “altcoin” and “metaverse” to its reference pages.

According to Merriam-Webster, the two words are Меѓу 370 new official additions to the dictionary this month.

The additions signal the growing popularity and adoption of these evolving technologies.

“When many people use a word in the same way, over a long enough period of time, that word becomes eligible for inclusion.”

Merriam-Webster’s new entry of “altcoin” says the term was first used in 2011 and was developed by adding “alt-“ to Bitcoin (БТК). The definition follows.

“Any of various cryptocurrencies that are regarded as alternatives to established cryptocurrencies and especially to Bitcoin.”

While altcoin falls under a category of added words for new ways to invest, sell products or use and not use banks, the term metaverse, a space where altcoin projects are advancing, falls under the category of added words related to the virtual world.

The entry says метаверза, first used in 1992, is derived from the prefix meta-, which means in Greek “among, with, after,” and universe. The two definitions follow.

“1. computing: a persistent virtual (see virtual sense 2) environment that allows access to and interoperability of multiple individual virtual realities.
2. cosmology: the hypothetical combination of all co-existing or sequentially existing universes.”

This isn’t the dictionary’s first foray into the world of crypto. In 2018, Merriam-Webster додадени the terms “blockchain,” “Bitcoin” and “initial coin offerings.”

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Одрекување: Мислењата изразени во The Daily Hodl не се совети за инвестиции. Инвеститорите треба да ја направат својата претпазливост пред да направат какви било инвестиции со висок ризик во Bitcoin, cryptocurrency или дигитални средства. Ве молиме, ве советуваме дека вашите трансфери и занаети се на ваш сопствен ризик и сите загуби што може да ги направите ќе бидат ваша одговорност. Дневниот Ходл не препорачува купување или продажба на криптовалути или дигитални средства, ниту пак Дејли Ходл е советник за инвестиции. Забележете дека The Daily Hodl учествува во здружениот маркетинг.

Омилена слика: Shutterstock / Mia Stendal

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/09/09/merriam-webster-highlights-mainstream-growth-of-crypto-adding-altcoin-and-metaverse-to-dictionary/