Ripple против SEC: Новите тужби ќе влијаат на крипто просторот во годините што доаѓаат, вели правен експерт

A legal expert who is closely following the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) crypto case against Ripple says the outcome of the lawsuit could impact “the entire space for years to come.”

Attorney Jeremy Hogan, an XRP предлагач, кажува his 226,500 Twitter followers that it’s a “huge week” in crypto law for two reasons.

“The Ripple summary judgment briefs will be filed today (although we won’t see them until Monday) and a decision in the LBRY case is expected this week.

These two things will affect the entire space for years to come.”

Crypto attorney James K. Filan notes that both the ДИК Бран have filed their motions for summary judgment. Filan вели both parties will file public, redacted versions of their briefs in support of their motions for summary judgment on Monday.

The SEC sued Ripple in December of 2020, accusing the payments firm of selling XRP as an unregistered security.

In 2021, the regulator also filed a жалба against decentralized video-hosting platform LBRY (ЛБРИ), claiming the project sold LBRY Credits as unregistered securities.

Hogan says if the SEC wins its case against LBRY, it’s “not a good thing” for Ripple’s chances of victory.

XRP is priced at $0.340424 at time of writing.

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