Врвен криптостратег ги предупредува носителите на Dogecoin и полигони, вели дека DOGE и MATIC би можеле да бидат сведоци на драстични корекции

A crypto analyst who continues to build a following with accurate Bitcoin and altcoin calls as of late is addressing holders of Dogecoin (ДОГА) и многуаголник (МАТИК).

Pseudonymous analyst Capo tells his 647,500 Twitter followers that leading meme token DOGE will likely lose nearly 90% of its value after flipping support at $0.15 into resistance.

Capo shares a chart showing that DOGE has no high timeframe support until the coin reaches his target at $0.01.


извор: Капо / Твитер

At time of writing, DOGE is trading at $0.09, up nearly 10% on the day.

The crypto strategist is also watching the price action of blockchain scaling solution Polygon. According to Capo, MATIC is likely poised for a 68.75% collapse after respecting resistance at $1.24.

Capo shares a chart showing that MATIC has no high timeframe support until it plunges to $0.30.


извор: Капо / Твитер

At time of writing, MATIC is changing hands for $0.96, down over 5% in the last 24 hours.

Another coin on the trader’s radar is Huobi Token (HT), the utility asset of crypto exchange Huobi. According to Capo, HT’s chart looks bearish after breaking below its diagonal support and converting horizontal support at $10 into resistance.

“The HT chart looks ugly af.”

извор: Капо / Твитер

Looking at the analyst’s chart, he predicts that HT will nosedive to $0.88. At time of writing, HT is valued at $4.49, down nearly 15% on the day.

As for the crypto markets in general, Capo вели he expects a brutal capitulation phase where altcoins lose 40% to 50% of their value on average. He also says that another leg down for Bitcoin (БТК) is imminent.

“$14,000 [BTC] sooner than you think.”

Bitcoin is swapping hands for $16,762 at time of writing.

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Избрана слика: Shutterstock/Almujaddidi

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/11/13/top-crypto-strategist-warns-dogecoin-and-polygon-holders-says-doge-and-matic-could-witness-drastic-corrections/