Американскиот законодавец тврди дека претседателот на ДИК Гери Генслер се обидувал да му помогне на FTX да „добие регулаторен монопол“ над крипто

Minnesota Representative Tom Emmer says his office is looking into allegations of a conspiracy between the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chairman and embattled crypto exchange FTX.

According to Emmer, his office received извештаи that SEC chair Gary Gensler was helping FTX and its CEO, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), acquire a regulatory monopoly in the crypto space.

Prior to its meltdown, Bahamas-based FTX sat next to Binance as the world’s largest crypto exchange.

“Interesting. Gary Gensler runs to the media while reports to my office allege he was helping SBF and FTX work on legal loopholes to obtain a regulatory monopoly.”

The legislator did not present any evidence to back up his claim but says that his office is conducting an investigation into the matter.

“We’re looking into this.”

Emmer posted the statement on Twitter following Gensler’s интервју on CNBC’s Squawk Box, where he commented on the collapse of FTX and its trading arm, Alameda Research.

“This is a very interconnected world in crypto with a few concentrated players in the middle and one of those concentrated players would have the toxic combinations of lack of disclosure, customer money, a lot of leverage, meaning borrowing, and then trying to invest with that. And then when markets turned on him, it appears that a lot of customers lost money.”

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Избрана слика: Shutterstock/X-Poser

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/11/11/us-lawmaker-claims-sec-chair-gary-gensler-was-trying-to-help-ftx-obtain-regulatory-monopoly-over-crypto/