Degen Ben.eth За лансирање на 3. Scam Meme Coin по БЕН и ПСИОП

Pseudonymous NFT collector Ben.eth managed to build his controversial empire amidst PEPE meme coin frenzy, as well as linking crypto influencers and media personalities to his scam meme coins. After duping millions of dollars of investors’ money from $BEN and $PSYOP rug pulls, degen meme coin creator Ben.eth today објави plan to launch another meme coin dubbed $LOYAL.

Who Is Ben.eth and the Controversy Behind Scam Meme Coins

NFT collector Ben.eth started his crypto journey in 2017 and entered NFT in 2021. Since then, he’s been an active member of the NFT community but was not a major influencer. He gained popularity in May after promoting PEPE meme coin and launching $BEN meme coin to try his luck in the meme coin season.

Initially, he completely failed with $BEN but the token gained pace after popular crypto content creator BitBoy decided to buy it. After the initial success, Ben.eth announced to launch $PSYOP meme coin through presale. On May 17, BitBoy sold all $BEN tokens. However, Ben.eth was able to raise over $9 million worth ETH from $PSYOP presale and other tokens sale.

Ben.eth wallet address value increased from $2600 on May 3 to $9.28 million on May 23. However, the funds have been moved out of the wallet address. The current balance now stands at 3450 ETH worth $6.3 million, as per Etherscan.

Ben.eth Wallet Balance. Source: Etherscan

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Ben.eth Launching $LOYAL Meme Coin

On May 27, Ben.eth announced launching another scam meme coin on Memorial Day naming it $LOYAL. He seeks people to send ETH to his wallet address and promises to not keep this supply as other prior tokens.

Other meme coins he launched pumped and dumped. The new meme coin is also expected to be a rug pull. Thus, the crypto community should keep away from such coins.

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Varinder има 10-годишно искуство во Fintech секторот, со повеќе од 5 години посветени на развојот на блокчејн, крипто и Web3. Како технолошки ентузијаст и аналитички мислител, тој го сподели своето знаење за непушачите технологии во над 5000 вести, написи и трудови. Со CoinGape Media, Varinder верува во огромниот потенцијал на овие иновативни идни технологии. Тој во моментов ги покрива сите најнови ажурирања и случувања во крипто индустријата.

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