Се уриваат „убијците на етерум“ Солана и Полкадот поради монета со токени со големи очи на ERC-20 што надминува 8.4 милиони долари.

It is a dark time in the crypto universe. High-regarded currencies like Solana (SOL) and Polkadot (DOT) are suddenly dropping like flies. On the other hand, other currencies are flip-flopping in the markets like nothing else.  Nobody seems to know what they are doing. And it is safe to say that the market is in free fall.

However, one stability remains during this troublesome period, and that is the Ethereum Blockchain. Having not yet dipped below $1,300 for a while, many are hoping ETH holds on to its value for as long as these difficult times continue.

And it seems to remain steady, as newer cryptos built on the Ethereum blockchain, such as Монета за големи очи, are also proving to be bear market challengers.

Solana (SOL) Loses 83% Value In 2022

SOL, the native token of the Solana blockchain, an Ethereum blockchain competitor, has not been doing so well in 2022. Since the start of the year, this cryptocurrency has lost around 83% of its total value so far and is only dropping further.

Many believe SOL to have fair transaction fees and the Solana blockchain itself to be highly efficient and stable. However, after a recent power outage that meant the Solana Blockchain was offline for more than four hours, its reputation was a little tarnished.

Polkadot (DOT) Also Loses, With 77% Less Value Than In 2021

Labelled as an Ethereum blockchain competitor by Forbes, Polkadot, is a multichain protocol that connects a network of blockchains and facilitates cross-chain transfer. The native token of this protocol is DOT. This coin is used for three main reasons: staking in operations and security, governance and bonding tokens to connect parachains.

Recently, Polkadot announced the highest development activity within its lifetime. However, this has seemed to have little impact on the valuation of DOT itself or its competition with Ethereum.

ERC-20 Token Big Eyes Coin Meets $8,400,000 Of Stage 6 Presale

As Ethereum rivals Polkadot and Solana flop, meme coin Big Eyes, built on the Ethereum Blockchain, has faced immense success during its presale.

Having flown through its presale stages faster than most cryptocurrencies, this adorable feline has managed to raise $8,400,000 in pre-sales so far. And the number only appears to be growing bigger. Each day figures such as $500,000 are common to see.

Big Eyes Coin is a community-owned decentralised finance coin meant to raise a fortune and also save the world’s ocean. A 5% of all available BIG tokens at launch will be put into a charity wallet that will be donated to oceanic sanctuaries. Additionally, Big Eyes Coin has made a series of other donations and plans to make more in the foreseeable future.

The demand for BIG is extraordinary considering the crypto winter. With a booming social media presence and excellent design, Big Eyes Coin is touching the heart of many investors right now.

The biggest lesson to be learned from Big Eyes Coin’s presale success is that the Ethereum blockchain has helped it remain reliable and strong amid a tumultuous period. While competitors, Avalanche and Polygon will, in all likelihood, remain in the markets, Big Eyes Coin has proven that the Ethereum blockchain is still the most effective one.

For more information on the Big Eyes Coin project:

Препродажба: https://buy.bigeyes.space/

Веб-страница: https://bigeyes.space/

Телеграма: https://t.me/BIGEYESOFFICIAL

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/10/23/ethereum-killers-solana-and-polkadot-crash-amid-erc-20-token-big-eyes-coin-surpassing-8-4-mil/