Ethereum може да има најнапредна табела за цени во светот, според макро гуру Раул Пал

Macro expert and former Goldman Sachs executive Raoul Pal says one Ethereum (ЕТХ) chart is flashing a strong bullish signal.

Пал кажува his 983,800 Twitter followers that no other chart is more bullish than the ETH/Bitcoin (БТК) ratio, a closely watched measure of the price relationship between the world’s two largest cryptocurrencies.

“Is the ETH/BTC ratio the single most bullish major asset price chart in the world? Might well be…”

Извор: RaoulGMI/Twitter

Looking at Pal’s chart, it appears that the ETH/BTC pair is poised to take out its diagonal resistance, suggesting that Ethereum will likely outperform Bitcoin. At time of writing, the pair is valued at 0.077 BTC ($1,582), closely tracking Pal’s resistance level.

A bullish position on Ethereum’s price is also shared by popular pseudonymous trader Kaleo who кажува his 537,600 Twitter followers that the ETH/BTC pair looks ready to rally toward his target of 0.11 BTC ($2,261).

“Basically see ETH outpacing until BTC breaks above the major HTF (high timeframe) diagonal downtrend in December or January.”

Извор: CryptoKaleo/Twitter

At time of writing, Ethereum is trading at $1,572, while Bitcoin is changing hands at $20,452.

Pal is нахакан on the overall crypto market, recently predicting an exponential increase in the total value of all digital assets. Pal said that crypto’s market cap of about $1 trillion could explode to $300 trillion in just a decade due to factors like the amount of venture capital flowing into the sector and growing institutional involvement.

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Избрана слика: Shutterstock/IR Stone
