Спојувањето на Ethereum може да се случи во август додека тестирањето влегува во последниот круг

Speaking at the Permissionless 2022 Conference in Florida, the U.S., Ethereum Researcher Justin Drake disclosed that the merge of Ethereum (ETH) might happen in August.

Market insight provider Bankless истакна. Тој истакна:

“Strong desire to make this happen before difficulty bomb in August. Stars are aligned.”

Meanwhile, Ethereum core developer Preston Van Loon shared similar sentiments that testing was in the final stages and said:

“As far as we know, if everything goes to plan, August—it just makes sense. If we don’t have to move, let’s do it as soon as we can.”

The merge, which will transition the current proof-of-work (PoS) consensus mechanism to a proof-of-stake (PoS), has been elusive because it was slated for June.

Previously, Ethereum lead developer Tim Beiko revealed that the shift would not happen in June as planned. He истакна:

„Нема да биде јуни, но веројатно во неколку месеци потоа. Сè уште нема цврст датум, но дефинитивно сме во последното поглавје на PoW за Ethereum.

The merge is estimated to be the biggest software upgrade in the Ethereum ecosystem because the PoS algorithm will allow the confirmation of blocks in a more energy-efficient way. After all, it requires validators to stake Ether instead of solving a cryptographic puzzle. 

Validators will take up the role of miners when it comes to the confirmation of blocks based on the amount of ETH staked, acting as collateral against dishonest behaviour. 

Спојувањето обично се смета како менувач на играта што ќе и даде на мрежата Ethereum ново лице бидејќи се очекува да го подобри приспособливост преку надградби како што е шардирање.

Понатаму, се очекува да се зајакне потрагата на Ethereum како средство за дефлација бидејќи се шпекулира дека вредноста на втората по големина криптовалута ќе се зголеми врз основа на намалената понуда. 

Market analyst Lark Davis had previously opined that he очекува the merge to trigger a supply growth rate of -2.8% in the Ethereum network. Moreover, a LuckyHash study noted that the shift would prompt a 1% annual deflation rate. 

Извор на слика: Shutterstock

Source: https://blockchain.news/news/ethereum-merge-might-happen-in-august-as-testing-enters-final-round