Услугата за име на Ethereum најверојатно ќе заврши 2 милиони регистрации -

  • Ethereum Name Service touched 1.8 million domain name registration milestones by the end of July 2022.

The expansion of the Internet made remarkable changes in users’ lives and brought the world to their fingertips after such a huge advancement rush of registering domain’s nascent networks. Ecommerce giants like Amazon and others were born on the Internet, but other businesses registered their domains.  

Имињата на домени остануваат суштински дел од Интернетот, функционирајќи како јарбол на најголемите брендови, компании, институции и поединци. Но, почетокот на технологијата Blockchain и Web3 насочи парадигма за хостирање на имиња на домени.  

Top intelligent Tech leaders and operatives realized there was a tangible value in enlisting websites with the name of recognized brands, companies or famous individuals, knowing those same people would ultimately want the same. Thus domain scrunching, as it is now known, was born.  

A mind-blowing amount is paid for getting domain names and the global shift towards the Internet. Cars(Dot)com is known for holding the most expensive domain name ever sold, whose website was valued at around $872 million during its high-profile sales in 2015.  

Вториот најскап домен во историјата е CarInsurance(Dot)com, проценет на 50 милиони долари. Списокот продолжува, а цените на другите домени се разликуваат според нивната работа. И други скапо продадени домени се: internet(Dot)com, sex(Dot)com, beer(Dot)com и hotels(Dot)com се меѓу најпрофитабилните DNS адреси продадени до сега.    

ИСТО ПРОЧИТАЈ - Бразилската ТСЕ може да користи блокчејн за гласање во иднина

Hike In Ethereum Name Service Domains Registrations 

ЕНС(Ethereum Name Service) received approximately 1.8 million registration for domain names till the end of July 2022. And in the same month, around 378k .eth domains were enlisted, generating monthly revenue of 5400 ETH.     

Услуга за име на Ethereum is a “distributed,open and extensible naming system” that works on the Ethereum  Blockchain. The primary purpose of it is to map human-readable names like “alice.eth” to machine-readable information like URLs and addresses.  

ENS is quite similar to DNS(Domain Name Service), which is used for dot-separated hierarchical names, commonly known as domains within the owners of the domain controlling both it and any subdomains. An ENS domain is an NFTs that works as an ETH wallet that addresses a cryptographic hash or Website URL.  

Како на пример Република монети, Anthony Hopkins, a well-known celebrity, has added the .eth domain name to his Twitter account and, in his tweet, suggested other renowned celebrities add the same.  

Најнови објави на Ендрју Смит (Види се)

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/08/09/ethereum-name-service-is-likely-to-complete-2-million-registrations/