Услугата за име на Ethereum (ENS) ја враќа контролата врз доменот eth.link

  • ENS sued GoDaddy for breaching the contract. 

The Ethereum Name Service announced on 18th September Sunday that it has regained control of the Eth.link domain names after winning an injunction in its case against domain provider GoDaddy. 

ENS (Ethereum Name Service) is a subsidiary firm of True Names Ltd and the previous Eth. link owner Virgil Griffith lodged a case against GoDaddy, Dynadot, and Manifold Finance at the beginning of September. GoDaddy allegedly transferred the ENS’s Eth. link name to domain name registrar Dynadot before its expiration date and put the name up for auction in what the ENS called a “breach of contract” that broke a contract to”respect,acknowledge,and protect” the Eth. link name.

Ethereum Name Service operates Eth.link domains to link “.eth” domain users to develop a viewable website with their ENS names and make it unrestricted from a standard browser. Losing access to the Eth. link domain disrupts the service for ENS and its users. 

Although the problem was prevented, the judge of the U.S district, who is also in charge of the case, granted ENS’s request for an injunction and demanded that the Eth. link name is returned, reviving Eth. link services.  

On 18th September, Sunday, Ethereum Name Service posted on its official Twitter handle, “Our injunction was successful and the name has been returned to us.”

According to Domain Name Wire Earlier, Manifold purchased the eth. link domain name for $851,919( 6 crores). 

Sam Bacha, the co-founder of Manifold, mentioned, “We wanted the domain name because we had intentions of establishing a special purpose trust to provide the legal entity for which key pieces of some of our infrastructure could have been held.” He said, “By Court order the eth.link domain does not belong to Manifold Finance and it has no current right to sell the domain.”  

Ethereum Name Services are defined as the form of readable crypto wallets address, which was not easy in older times because they were not readable for humans.

Извештаите на OpenSea наведуваат дека Sunnybay.eth е ENS (Ethereum Name Service) што го купила sony.eth по цена од 40Eth (72K индиска валута).

Според податоците од Dune Analytics, учествувале околу 525 илјади адреси. Графиките и податоците покажуваат дека ги имало 67,095 ЕНС регистрации во февруари, иако стапката на раст оствари раст и достигна 85,272 во тековниот месец.

Имињата на домени остануваат суштински дел од Интернетот, функционирајќи како јарбол на најголемите брендови, компании, институции и поединци. Но, почетокот на технологијата Blockchain и Web3 насочи парадигма за хостирање на имиња на домени. 

Стив Андерсон
Најнови објави на Стив Андерсон (Види се)

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/09/20/ethereum-name-serviceens-regains-control-of-eth-link-domain/