Анализа на цените на Ethereum: ЕТХ ја отфрла надолната страна, продолжува консолидацијата под 1,350 долари

Ethereum price analysis is bullish today as we have seen failure to move lower and further consolidation over the last 24 hours. Therefore, ETH/USD looks to continue even higher over the weekend and break the $1,350.

Ethereum price analysis: ETH rejects downside, continues consolidation below $1,350 1
Мапа на топлина со криптовалути. Извор: Coin360

The market has traded with bullish momentum over the last 24 hours. The leaders, Bitcoin and Ethereum, gained just over 3 percent, while Бран was the top performer from the major altcoins, with almost 11 percent gain.

Ethereum price movement in the last 24 hours: Ethereum continued sideways

ЕТХ/УСД се тргуваше во опсег од 1,293.19 долари до 1,346.13 долари, што укажува на блага нестабилност во последните 24 часа. Обемот на тргување се намали за 4.6 отсто, на вкупно 13.744 милијарди долари, додека вкупната пазарна капа се тргуваше околу 163.79 милијарди долари, што резултираше со доминација на пазарот од 17.33 отсто.

ETH/USD 4-hour chart: ETH prepares to break $1,350?

On the 4-hour chart, we can see further consolidation today, likely as a spike higher will be attempted overnight.

Анализа на цените на Ethereum: ЕТХ ја отфрла надолната страна, продолжува консолидацијата под 1,350 долари
4-часовна шема на ЕТХ / УСД. Извор: TradingView

Цена Ethereum action has traded no clear direction over the past weeks. After testing both upside and downside, the current high and low were set at $1,400 and $1,250, respectively.

Therefore, a clear direction for ETH/USD will be set once either of these levels are broken in a clear way. Over the past 24 hours, ETH has traded in the middle of the range, indicating no clear short-term direction, and further price action development is needed.

Yesterday, Ethereum price attempted to move lower once again, however, it was quickly rejected higher from the $1,300 support. Since then, no clear direction has been seen, meaning that the lack of selling should result in another strong test of the $1,350 resistance later today..

Анализа на цената на Ethereum: Заклучок 

Анализа на цените на Ethereum is bullish today as we saw clear rejection from the $1,300 support after a quick spike lower yesterday. Therefore, ETH/USD should attempt another push higher and target the $1,400 resistance over the weekend. 

Додека чекате Ethereum да продолжи понатаму, видете ги нашите написи за тоа како да купите Litecoin, Филекоин, и Polkadot.

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Извор: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/ethereum-price-analysis-2022-09-30/