Виталик Бутерин на Ethereum го поздравува украинското техничко друштво за храброста да биде домаќин на веб-3 хакатон

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Next month, there will be a Web3 hackathon in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, and Vitalik Buterin is happy about it.

Many people would expect the ongoing war in Ukraine to be a bad omen for the country’s tech society. That doesn’t seem to be the case, according to Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin.

Во неодамнешна објава на Твитер, Vitalik noted that the Ukrainian tech industry would be hosting a hackathon focused on Веб3 развој in Kyiv next month. Vitalik was reacting to an порано мислење by Ukraine’s Kyiv Tech Summit that seems to be the entity behind the hackathon.

“Looks like there’s going to be a web3 hackathon in Kyiv early next month. These people are brave.”

Remote Option Available For Those Abroad

Vitalik went on to note that while the event will be held in the Ukrainian capital, there will be a remote option for those who can’t make it to be there at the time. Either way, the Веб3 хакатон will be happening in Kyiv this coming month.

There’s A Website

The summit organizer has set up a for the said purpose. Anyone who wishes to join the competition or sponsor the event is free to do so via the directives on the website.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/08/16/ethereums-vitalik-buterin-hails-ukrainian-tech-society-for-the-bravery-to-host-a-web3-hackathon/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ethereums-vitalik-buterin-hails-ukrainian-tech-society-for-the-bravery-to-host-a-web3-hackathon