Податоците на корисниците на MetaMask ќе се собираат во новото ажурирање политика од фирмата за софтвер Ethereum Consensys

Users of MetaMask will have their data collected as Consensys, the team behind the popular crypto wallet, updates its privacy policy.

In a new company announcement, Consensys вели it is updating its terms of service to collect user data such as names, IP addresses, dates of birth, usernames, contact information and gender.

Other information that could be collected by the Ethereum (ЕТХ) software company includes financial data, marketing information, transaction information and technical information, such as the address of a user’s ETH wallet.

The update states that users who use node provider Infura as their default Remote Procedure Call (RPC) provider will have their data collected. However, the company notes that there is a way for users to avoid having their information gathered by Infura or MetaMask.

“Infura is the default Remote Procedure Call (RPC) provider in MetaMask. When you use Infura as your default RPC provider in MetaMask, Infura will collect your IP address and your Ethereum wallet address when you send a transaction.

However, if you’re using your own Ethereum node or a third party RPC provider with MetaMask, then neither Infura nor MetaMask will collect your IP address or Ethereum wallet address (but you should be aware your information will be subject to whatever information collection performed by the RPC provider you are using and their terms regarding such collection).”

The firm’s terms of use update rolled out on November 23rd. According to Consensys, the data will allow the company to provide services to users, comply with the law, communicate directly with users, optimize the platform and bolster customer safety.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Kateryna Kon

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/11/25/metamask-users-data-will-be-collected-in-new-policy-update-from-ethereum-software-firm-consensys/