Oryen 100% профит во неговата претпродажба го прави совршен конкурент на Cryptos како Ethereum Name Service и Nexo

Are you looking for a token that has thrived despite recent market turmoil? While the broader crypto market is currently in a dip, only some projects have struggled. That’s why investments are increasing into the likes of ORY, which has tons of potential to become the future of the crypto-financial world.

It’s essential to cultivate a long-term mindset with these investments right now. They aren’t necessarily going to pump overnight, but they can bring you much more sustainable growth. ORY is even up during presale, and many think it will continue to shine. Here’s why:

Ориен (ORY)

With the revolutionary Oryen Autostaking Technic (OAT), ORY makes it easy to start earning massive 90% APY passive income yields. OAT removes the complications associated with DeFi passive earning by paying out quick hourly rewards directly into holders’ wallets. No staking is necessary, making it the most straightforward and secure passive earning token in the world, alongside having the biggest yields.

It’s, therefore, obvious that the future for ORY looks incredibly strong. That’s why it’s already up in price during presale, but there’s still time left to capitalize on reduced prices before it hits the mainstream and officially launches. 

Услуга за име на Ethereum (ENS)

Ethereum Name Service has moved to simplify the wallet and crypto transaction space by implementing a protocol similar to DNS, which makes remembering and sharing wallet addresses much more straightforward. It could be vital in making crypto payments more mainstream with memorable wallet addresses as opposed to random complicated ones and is a substantial investment for the future.

Нексо (СЛЕДНО)

Nexo considers itself the perfect place to keep your crypto. It’s an all-in-one platform that allows users to easily buy, hold, trade, and swap a range of cryptocurrencies. It could have a solid future in the industry and is, therefore, a credible investment, even if ORY might be the better place for your money right now.


ENS and NEXO are both great options for your investment portfolio. However, ORY could outpace them in ROI over the next few months and has already started flourishing, so it may be the best pick.

Дознајте повеќе овде:

Придружете се на претпродажба: https://presale.oryennetwork.io/register

Веб-страница: https://oryennetwork.io/

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/10/29/oryen-100-profit-in-its-presale-makes-it-the-perfect-competitor-to-cryptos-like-ethereum-name-service-and-nexo/