Дали спојувањето на Ethereum ќе падне или ќе го оживее крипто-пазарот?

On this week’s “The Market Report” show, Cointelegraph’s resident experts discuss the Ethereum Merge and how it might impact the crypto market

За да ги започнеме работите, ги објавивме најновите вести на пазарите оваа недела.

Surge or purge? Why the Merge may not save Ether (ЕТХ) price from “Septembear.” Options data, macroeconomic catalysts and technical signals suggest a decline in Ether price is on the table despite the Merge. Ethereum’s native token, Ether, is not immune to downside risk in September after rallying approximately 90% from its bottom of around $880 in June. Can Ethereum prove analysts wrong and break out in price following the Merge or has the price already been factored in and we’ve already seen the price spike for the end of this year?

ETH Merge: CoinGecko co-founder shares strategy for forked tokens. Many believe that after Ethereum transitions to доказ за удел (PoS), a faction of Ether (ЕТХ) miners will be creating a доказ за работа (PoW) fork of the network so that they can still keep mining. An executive believes that there are ways for ETH holders to take advantage of this upcoming event. Different people are expecting to trade the Merge very differently to take advantage. Our experts highlight some of their plans. Let us know how you will be doing things in the comments sections.

Ethereum gone wrong? Here are 3 signs to keep an eye on during the Merge. The assumption that Ethereum will just transition to a fully functional доказ за удел (PoS) мрежа по Спојувањето somewhat ignores the risk and effort necessary to move an asset that has a $193 billion market capitalization and 400 decentralized applications (DApps). That is precisely why monitoring vital network conditions is essential for anyone willing to trade the event. Our very own Marcel Pechman lays down 3 things to keep an eye on during the merge.

Next up is a new segment called “Quick Crypto Tips,” which aims to give newcomers to the crypto industry quick and easy tips to get the most out of their experience. This week’s tip: Learn when to step aside.

Пазарниот експерт Марсел Печман потоа внимателно ги испитува биткоинот и етерот (ЕТХ) пазари. Дали сегашните пазарни услови се нагорни или надолни? Какви се изгледите за следните неколку месеци? Печман е тука да го скрши. Експертите, исто така, разгледуваат некои новости од пазарот за да ве информираат за најновите во врска со првите две криптовалути.

И на крај, добивме увид од Cointelegraph Markets Pro, платформа за крипто трговци кои сакаат да остане one step ahead of the market. The analysts use Cointelegraph Markets Pro to identify two altcoins that stood out this week: Lido DAO Token’s LDO and Firo’s FIRO.

Do you have a question about a coin or topic not covered here? Don’t worry. Join the YouTube chat room, and write your questions there. The person with the most interesting comment or question will be given a one-month subscription to Markets Pro worth $100.

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Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/will-the-ethereum-merge-crash-or-revive-the-crypto-market-find-out-now-on-the-market-report